
About us

The „I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre of Bucharest functions as a public cultural institution, of national significance, with legal personality, financed from own revenues and subsidies from the state budget, reporting to the Ministry of Culture. The institution has as a main purpose the promotion of the cultural and artistic values, indigenous and universal, at national and international level, as well as the development of the audience, the increase of the audience’s access to these values. (according to the Internal Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture 4027/19.12.2016)

With a tradition of over 170 years, the “I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre of Bucharest is a landmark-institution for Romanian culture, a true national and cultural brand, at the same time one of the main image generators of Romania. Many generations of bright actors have grown and evolved on the stage of the National Theatre. With an average of 50 representations and around 20.000 spectators a month, with a core of over 170.000 faithful spectators per year, the National Theatre of Bucharest is by far one of the most frequented Romanian theatres.

From 2011-2015, extensive works have been executed aiming at the ”Stability and safety of exploitation, the functional, technological and organisational optimisation of the institutional cluster „I.L. Caragiale“ National Theatre of Bucharest”. Reconfigured, consolidated, embellished, with new acting halls and foyers, disposed on six floors, the „I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre of Bucharest presents itself nowadays as a unique cultural complex, being an emblematic edifice of downtown Bucharest and a trade mark.

A Romanian space at European standards: not only equipped with 7 performance areas (six closed halls and an open air amphitheatre), where the shows from the current repertoire are performed (40 titles !), but also with ample lobbies intended for manifold exhibitions, a lecture hall for theatrical documentation – spaces capable of hosting diverse, transdisciplinary projects and, looking forward, with a future NTB Museum, a bookshop, bars, cafes, a restaurant etc., meant to attract a large number of visitors throughout the day, not only on the wake of stage performances.

Under the motto „A new theatre for a new audience”, the ”I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre of Bucharest has built in these last years an ambitious repertoire, consisting of reference shows with resonant texts, performed by prestigious artists, actors from all generations (including many young ones !), directors, stage designers.

The institution enjoys nowadays an acknowledged unanimous statute, and the renovated building stirs unhesitating praises from the visitors entering it.

The ”I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre is located at kilometer 0 of the Capital, at the University Square, emblematic space which played a vital role in Romania’s profound change towards an open, participative society.

The transformation of the Theatre into a cultural agora is also part of this process.

The graphic logo of the « I.L. Caragiale » National Theatre has been conceived by well-known graphic artist Dan Perjovschi.

The NTB logo is registered trademark.


Translated by Simona Nichiteanu

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