Adela Mărculescu
b. 21.12.1938, Aiud
NTB Parts:
Chiriachita - "Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Musatescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2022
Mrs. Boyle - "The Mousetrap" by Agatha Christie, directed by Erwin Shimsensohn, from 2020
Passenger, The First Woman - "Terrorism" by Presniakov Brothers, directed by Felix Alexa, 2015
Raluca Filimon - "The Man Who Saw Death" by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2013
Serafima Ilinicina - "The Suicide" by Nikolai Erdman, directed by Felix Alexa, 2009
Alexandra del Lago - "Sweet Bird of Youth" by Tennessee Williams, directed by Tudor Mărăscu, 2005
Elena Ivanovna Popova - “Actor’s Life” (“The Bear” and “The Swan Song”) by A.P. Chekhov, directed by Geo Saizescu, 2003
Olga - “The Chekhov Machine” by Matei Vişniec, directed by Cristian Ioan, 2003
Doris - "Next Year at the Same Time" by Bernard Slade, directed by Victor Moldovan, 2001
Sophie - "The Neighbour" by Pierre Chesnot, directed by Victor Moldovan, 2000
Euridice - "Eleni" by Kostas Asimakopoulos, directed by Ion Cojar, 1999 - 2000
Stela Campbell - "Dear Liar" by Jerome Kilty, directed by Mara Paşici, 1998
"The Man Who Saw Death" by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 1997
Vera Louise Simmons - "Harvey" by Mary Chase, directed by Tudor Mărăscu, 1994
Tituba - "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, directed by Felix Alexa, 1991
Clytemnestra - "Electra - An Ancient Trilogy" after Sophocles and Euripides, show by Andrei Şerban, 1990
Alexandra - "The Trap" by Plato Pardău, directed by Anca Ovanez Doroşenco, 1989
Leonora - "Torquato Tasso" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, directed Anca Ovanez Doroşenco, 1988
Mioara - "The Idol and Ion Anapoda" by G.M. Zamfirescu, directed by Ion Cojar, 1985 - 1986
Steffy Blondell - "The Odd Couple" by Neil Simon, directed by Grigore Gonţa, 1984
Mrs. Ruxandra - "Alexandru Lăpuşneanu" by Virgil Stoenescu, directed by Cristian Munteanu, 1978
Daia - "Who Was Adam?" by Leonida Teodorescu, directed by Cristian Munteanu, 1977
Margareta Aldea - “The Magpies” by Alexandru Kiritescu, directed by Horea Popescu, 1977
"Poetry, Music, Dance", directed by Miriam Răducanu, 1976
Gabrielle - "Danton" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Horea Popescu, 1974
Dona Diana - "Dona Diana" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Victor Moldovan, 1973
Ana - "Take, Ianke and Cadir" by Victor Ioan Popa, directed by Ion Finteşteanu, 1971
Epancina Aglaia - "The Idiot" by Feodor Mihailovici Dostoievski, directed by Alexandru Finţi, 1969
"Mam’ Chiriţa" by Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Horea Popescu, 1969
Casandra - "The Trojans" by Jean Paul Sartre, directed by Miron Nicolescu, 1968
Madeleine - "The Terrible Parents" by Jean Cocteau, directed by Miron Nicolescu, 1968
Corina - "The Game of Truth” by Sidonia Drăguşanu, directed by Mihai Berechet, 1967
Isabela - “The Queen of Navarra” by Eugene Scribe, directed by Victor Moldovan, 1967
Fiancé - “Bloody Wedding” by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Miron Nicolescu, 1966
Sorina - “Pearls, Thread Yourselves” by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Miron Nicolescu, 1964
Activities outside NTB
Theatre Parts
Creart - Teatrelli Hall
Veronika - "Apple Pie" by Isaac Buton, directed by Dan Tudor, 2015
"Quartet" by Ronald Harwood, directed by Dan Tudor, 2014
Metropolis Theatre
Mrs. Pernelle - "Tartuffe or the Impostor" by JBP Molière, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză, 2013
The Old Woman - "District Hospital" by Hristo Boicev, directed by Felix Alexa, 2012
Stephanie Vignean - "Cactus Flower" by Pierre Barillet, directed by Alice Barb, 2010
Radu Stanca Theatre, Sibiu
Ugly Beauty - "The Story of the Carpenter and his Beautiful Wife” by Radu Stanca, directed by Dan Alecsandrescu, 1971
Ploieşti State Theatre: 1959 - 1963
Ninuccia - “De Pretore Vincenzo” by Eduardo De Filippo, directed by Valeriu Moisescu, 1962
“Trees Die Standing” by Alejandro Casona, directed by Gheorghe Ionescu, 1960
"The Sicilian Woman" by Aurel Baranga, directed by Harry Eliad, 1960
"... Escu" by Tudor Muşatescu, directed by Harry Eliad, 1960
"The House on 10 Coşbuc Street" by Florin Vasiliu, directed by Harry Eliad, 1960
"The Famous 702" by Alexandru Mirodan, directed by Cristian Mihalache, 1960
“If You Are Asked” by Dorel Dorian, directed by Gheorghe Ionescu, 1961
“The Soldier Piccico” by Aldo Nicolaj, directed by Gheorghe Ionescu, 1961
Small Theatre
Fanny Friedberg- "The Mystery of the Boot" by Hans Albert Pederzani, directed by Kurt Rabe, 1963
Botoşani State Theatre: 1957 - 1959
Ziţa - "A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Finţi
Zerbinette - "The Impostures of Scapin" by J.B.P. Molière, directed by David Esrig
Rosaura - "The Liar" by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Radu Miron
Radio Theatre
"The Dog in the Manger" by Lope de Vega
"Torquato Tasso" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
"The Knight and the Lady" by Carlo Goldoni
"Cassandra" by Nicolae Iorga
"The House of Bernarda Alba" by Federico Garcia Lorca
"The Forced Marriage" by J.B.P. Molière
"A Clinical Case" by Dino Buzzati
"The Sleep of Reason" by Boris Valejo
"Dona Juana" by Radu Stanca
"Riţă, crăiţă" by Gala Galaction
" Sorana” by I.Al. Brătescu Voineşti
"The Eighth Sin" by Tudor Muşatescu
"Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare
"Oedipus at the Column" by Sophocles
"A Love Story" by Radu Stanca
"Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte
"Ruy Blas" by Victor Hugo
"The Ivory Tower” by Camil Petrescu
“The Copper Wolves” by Adrian Maniu
“Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
“The Blue Bird” by Maurice Maeterlinck
“The Wanderer” by Vasile Voiculescu
Film Parts
“Pacala Is Back”, directed by Geo Saizescu, 2006
"Diplomatic Siege", directed by Gustavo Graef Marino, 1999
"Let me talk about myself", Mihai Constantinescu, 1987
"A Dinner Guest", directed by Mihai Constantinescu, 1986
"Confessions of Love", directed by Nicolae Corjos, 1985
"The Sisters" , directed by Iulian Mihu, 1984
"Galax", directed by Ion Popescu Gopo, 1983
"Loving… Leaving...", directed by Gheorghe Turcu, 1982
"Attention, Great Grandmother is Landing!", directed by Nicolae Corjos, 1981
"Iancu Jianu, the Outlaw", directed by Dinu Cocea, 1980
"Hyperion", directed by Mircea Veroiu, 1975
"Fog", directed by Vladimir Popescu Doreanu, 1 973
"The Battle for Rome", directed by Robert Siodmak (Germany), 1968
"The Lace Wars", directed by Rene Clair, 1965
"Une mere comme on n’en fait plus", directed by Jacques Renard, 1997
"Meurtres par procuration", directed by Claude-Michel Rome, 1995
"August in Flames", TV series, directed by Dan Piţa and Alexandru Tatos, 1974
"Strong Souls" by Camil Petrescu
"Bălcescu" by Camil Petrescu
"Tache, Ianke and Cadir" by Victor Ioan Popa
"Fiesco’s Conspiracy” by Friedrich Schiller
“The Fountain of the Herds” by Lope de Vega
“Orpheus in Hell” by Tennesse Williams
“The Terrible Fathers” by Jean Cocteau
“Blanduzia’s Fountain” by Vasile Alecsandri
“Chronicle of Courage” by Dan Tărchilă
” The Mission” by Francisc Munteanu
"The Maturity of Anxiety" by Ilie Ştefan Domajnea
"A Winter’s Night Dream" by Tudor Muşatescu
"Harvey" by Mary Chase
"What's New on the Acacia Street" by Paul Ioachim
"Some Would Call It Destiny" by Titus Popovici
"The Hour of Truth" by Radu Teodoru
National University of Theatre and Film Bucharest, year 1959, class of professor Alexandru Finţi
Awards and Distinctions
Gopo Award for lifetimeachievement, 2020
Honorary Citizen of the Bucharest Municipality
Honorary Citizen of the Aiud Municipality, 2006
VIP Magazine Award, 2006
"Excellence Certificate" for her contribution to increasing the prestige of the "Ion Canavoiu" humour festival, 1995 and 1997
Romanian Oscar, Tel Aviv (Israel), 2000
First Prize and the title "Laureate" for the role of Adela - "A Guest at Dinner"
Award for the role of Ioana Boiu - "Strong Souls"
Award for contribution to performance of Romanian poetry
Award for the scenic capitalization of Lucian Blaga's poetry
Founding member of the "Hellenic Union of Romania"
Honorary member of the "Lucian Blaga Cultural Foundation" - Sebeş
Diploma of Excellence for great merits in the work of serving the country’s first stage
"Cultural Merit” Order to the rank of Officer
Translated by Simona Nichiteanu