
Current Repertory


by Tim Crouch

Translation: Silvia Năstasie, Andrei Marinescu


by Tim Crouch

Translation: Silvia Năstasie, Andrei Marinescu
Bobi Pricop
Assistant Director:
Andreea Lucaci
Nikola Toromanov
Assistant Scenography:
Gabi Albu
Eduard Gabia
Stage Movement:
Eduard Gabia
Dan Basu
Dan Basu
Technical Director:
Costy Lupșa, Cristian Paraschivescu

Premiere: 03.03.2020

Duration: 1 h 45 min / Pause: No


50 lei

30 lei

Beginners - A show about the invisible border between childhood and adulthood, the children we were and the adults we will become.

In the absence of parents, children must replace them and face the challenges of adulthood: accepting one another, coping with change and even saving the planet. Among all these challenges, there is also adventure, play and drama, because Beginners is also a play about the healing power of art in the face of loss and suffering.

"In Beginners, children are the traces that adults allow to mature without watching over their maturation. They are a kind of crust over which the years settle and grow, seemingly forgetting where they came from. Adults are melting in the children's quest to understand them. In the absence of adults, children are the spectacle of the end of one world and the beginning of another. I am the creation that allows "to live its childhood" on the playground illuminated by tough questions. Which only children take the liberty to ask. Because in their world, it is time for radical confrontations with everything "not allowed" when we grow up. When we need to become responsible adults. The age of children is the emancipatory irresponsibility that has the potential for total change. Their age is the revolution. " Mihaela Michailov

A show full of fantasy and mystery, twists and surprises, with adult and child actors, a staging that will put our senses to trial, playing at the same time with our minds.

Translated by Simona Nichiteanu


Photo credit: Andrei Gindac, Ioana Teodora Raicu, Catalin Asanache

Joy: Ada Galeș Lucy: Raluca Aprodu
Bart: Istvan Teglas Nigel: Alexandru Potocean
Sandy: Ciprian Nicula Joy child: Chloe Basu / Eva-Ilinca Crudu / Maria Moustache
Lucy child: Maria Luana Colica / Erica Mihaela Tanasov Bart child: Rareș Gheorghe / Victor Vasilescu
Nigel child: Radu Anghelina / Ștefan Popa

"Beginners is a show that challenges one’s attention and imagination, that at the end reminds one of what genuine tenderness means and that gives one easy to solve homework. It is a comforting, tonic experience and one enjoys going through it, both while one is focusing on finding the key to deciphering the convention, but especially when one can enjoy a beautifully told childhood universe".
Alina Epîngeac, Amphitheatre - "Beginners" - the Mature Game of Childhood  

"As in the principle of communicating vessels, in Beginners too, the meditation on age oscillates between maturity and childhood.
The saraband of modern quid-pro-quos (the child is, in fact, a dog, the baby is a doll, adults are children, and their parents are friends since faculty) and revelations alternate with moments of reflection and poetry, giving us a state of pleasant uncertainty and continuous suspense.
The whole ensemble created by Bobi Pricop is a show recommended to all intelligent children, regardless of whether some of them have already become adults ". 
Mădălina Dumitrache, Bel Esprit - The Fickle Border - "Beginners"   

"Intelligent show as a dramatic mechanism and emotional as a theme, Beginners consolidates Bobi Pricop's artistic identity, oriented towards texts that question or overturn conventional dramatic devices and towards a more conceptual and functional aesthetics rather than a visually lush one. "
Oana Stoica, Dilema Veche - On the Floor, We Curl Up  

"First of all, the frail and even more valuable mixture conquers you with gravity and candour, cynicism and humour. Then the courage to simultaneously stage child actors and adult actors, a talking dog impersonated by an adult actor, chimeras, the ghost of his dead father. This completely atypical creative universe fits Bobi Pricop like a glove".  
Răzvana Niţă, Acta est fabula - Left Unattended, Children Can Change the World   

"From a strictly technical point of view, the show has two significant moments, the first part dedicated to adults, the second dedicated to children. Both "parts" are found in a dream in which the theatre game is the main form of entertainment. (...)

Beginners is a show that can be savoured by parents with their children, which is not a small thing, because the director did not think of this staging as being specific to a children's theatre. At the representation that I witnessed, many children in the hall showed no signs of boredom, did not go, and ask questions out loud, which says a lot. From this perspective, I think it is interesting to go to NTB and see a show in tandem - adults and children; Beginners is a good start for intergenerational communication ". 

Nona Rapotan, BookHub - Beginners - How to Play the Childhood Game in Bobi Pricop's Vision  

"Beginners" is a constant game between children and their adult variants and vice versa. Nigel, Lucy, Bart and Joy face the acute problems of their parents: the imminence of their disappearance, their vices, lack of attention, all perceived with the naivety and fabulousness of the child's imagination.   

"Beginners" is an unusual challenge, the spectator is in the position to look in the mirror, to face his naivety, purity and childhood suffering, an uncomfortable situation, but fruitful and so topical. "

Tudor Voicu, Agenția de carte - Bees Die and Adults Disappear   


Translated by Simona Nichiteanu 

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