

Brânduşa Mircea

b. 27.02.1972, Bucureşti

In the current season the actor plays in:

Last Coffee with Iuliu Maniu Loose Knit The Welkin

Parts at NTB

  • Peg Carter - "The Welkin" by Lucy Kirkwood, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2022
  • Gina - "Loose knit" by Theresa Rebeck, coordinator Ion Caramitru, 2018
  • Juana, Germán`s wife - "The Boy in the Last Row" by Juan Mayorga, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, 2012
  • Alena - "Coming Clean" by Petr Zelenka, directed by Alexandru Mâzgăreanu, 2011
  • Natsuko - "Forbidden Love" by Yukio Mishima, directed by Issey Takizawa, 2007
  • Laura Wingfield - "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams, directed by Cătălina Buzoianu, 2006
  • Lenora - "The Tail" by Paul Everac, directed by Paul Everac, 2004
  • Daisy - "The Temptation" by Vaclav Havel, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 2002
  • Irina - "The Eternal Information Office" by Mircea Radu Iacoban, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 2002
  • Aristizza Romanescu - "Whims at the Union" adaptation from I.L. Caragiale, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2002
  • The Bacchante - "The Bacchae" adaptation from Euripides, directed by Mihai Mănuţiu, 1997
  • "Le Florilege de Poemes", francophone poetry show, directed by Eugen Cristea
  • "La Poesie du Theatre", directed by Ion Lucian - "The Days of the Francophone"
  • "Machinal" by Sophie Treadwell, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2000
  • Henriette, Martine - "The Learned Women" by J.B.P. Moliere, directed by Lucian Giurchescu, 1999
  • Regine Engstrand - "Ghosts" bu Henrik Ibsen, directed by Nicolae Scarlat, 1998
  • Angela - "The Good and Righteous Satan" by Tudor Popescu, directed by Gelu Colceag and Şerban Puiu, 1998
  • Tooley, Yolanda, The Italian Woman, The Woman Postie, The Cousin, Pepitta - "Travels with My Aunt", adaptation from Graham Greene, directed by Peter Bokor, 1998
  • Saşa - "Ivanov" by A.P. Chekhov, directed by Alexa Visarion, 1999
  • Ondine's Sister - "Ondine" by Jean Girandoux, directed by Horea Popescu, 1994
  • Pupil Zamfirescu - "Star Without a Name" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Alexa Visarion, 1993
  • The Elder Sister - "Roberto Zucco" by Bernard Marie Koltes, directed by Felix Alexa, 1996
  • The Girl, The Nanny - "The Park' by Botho Strauss, directed by Tudor Ţepeneag, 1996
  • Lola The Cocotte - "Bucharest, Stormy Nid" by Felicia Dalu, adaptation from texts of the Romanian inter-war magazine, 1996
  • Catinca Stinghe - "Anton Pann" by Lucian Blaga, directed by Dan Micu, 1995

NTB colaborator: 1990 -1993

  • The Ancient Choire - "An Ancient Trilogy: Medea, The Trojans, Elektra", adaptation from Euripides ad Sophocles, directed by Andrei Şerban

Reading Shows:

  • "The Two-front Fighter" by Marin Sorescu, directed by Andreea Vulpe, 1996
  • "Nobody Dies Tonight" by Olga Delia Mateescu, 2003

Activities outside NTB

Parts in theatre

DAYA Theatre Company

  • "No Flash", script and directed by Chris Simon, design Mirela Trăistaru, choreography Roxana Colceag, 2000
  • Theatre-dance-painting show

The Romanian-American Theatre

  • Shirley Talley - "5th of July" by Lansford Wilson, directed by Elliot Swift, USA, 1995

Odeon Theatre, Bucharest:

  • Linda Lauzon - "The Sisters-In-Law" by Michel Tremblay, directed by Petre Bokor, 1994

Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest:

  • Antigone, the Nurse - "Antigone" by Sophocles, directed by Alexandru Tocilescu, 1993

Short Films:

  • "Movie-verite" (black-and-white), directed by Xenia Mihala
  • "Christmas Story", directed by Andrei Măgălie
  • "The Sweet Marital Bliss" (black-and-white), directed by Andrei Moroşanu - film selected for the Student Film Festival in Edinburgh, 1992

Feature films:

  • "Exam", directed by Titus Muntean, 2003
  • "Ada-Kaleh", screenplay and directed by Mircea Mureşan, 1999
  • "Asphalt Tango", screenplay and directed by Nae Caranfil, 1997
  • "Mykosch", directed by Danniel Danniel, 1995


  • The Ceremony for the National Theatre Awards of the Ministry of Culture, presenting the show live from the Bucharest National Theatre, TVR1, 2002
  • "The Golden Age", presenting the Ceremony of the Masters of Romanian Theatre, live from The Bucharest National Theatre, TVR2, 2001
  • "The Tower of Babel", TVR, 1999
  • "Guess Who's Calling", TVR, 1998
  • TV appearances: feature reports on shows, cultural and entertainment shows at TVR, Antena 1, PRO TV, Tele 7abc, OTV


  • Cărtureşti Bookshop: Launching "Androginous Legends" by Ilinca Bernea, recital from the author's poems, 2004
  • The Museum of Romanian Literature: Launching Ilinca Bernea, recital from a text by the author - "Pages from a Prostitute's Diary", 2003
  • Graduation shows in collaboration with the Theatre ad Film Academy, 1994: "Peleş, Emperor", "The Hunchbacks' Farse", "Agamemnon", directed by Grigore Gonţa 

Bridge Theatre

  • Juliet - "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, directed by Cătălin Naum, 1990 (Show presented at the Workshop hall upon an invitation by Andrei Şerban)


  • 2001: Cairo, Egypt - the International Festival of Experimental Theatre -  CIFET
  • 2001: Cyprus - the Intrenational Festival of Ancient Greek Festival, Paphos
  • 2000: Turkey - The International Theatre Festival, Trabzon
  • 1996: Chişinău, The Republic of Moldavia
  • 1995: Belgrad, Yugoslavia
  • 1994: The International Theatre Festival in Epidaurus, Greece
  • 1993: The International Theatre Festival in Torun, Poland
  • 1993: Gibellina, Sicily, Italy
  • 1992: The International Festival in Hallein, Austria
  • 1992: Edinburgh - The International Theatre Festival
  • 1991: Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 1991: Milan, Italy
  • 1991: The "Paris-Quartier d'Ete" Festival
  • 1991: "The 21st International Biennial Conference in Sao Paulo, Brasil"
  • 1990: The Romanian days in UNESCO, Paris


  • The Theatre and Film Academy, Bucharest, The Faculty of Theatre, Acting Department, class of 1994, prof. Grigore Gonţa's class
  • The Theatre Research and Creation Centre Ion Sava, The Bucharest National Theatre, creation workshop: "Power, does it legitimate?" held by director and professor Radu Penciulescu, 23.02-03.03.2007
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