
Claudiu Goga
b. 12.05.1974, Brașov
Manager of the "Ion Sava" Centre for Theatrical Research and Creation since 2021
Shows directed at NTB
"The Country House" by Donald Margulies, 2022
"Fool for Love" by Sam Shepard, 2013
"Dance of the Fairies" by Camil Petrescu, 2007
Stage Direction
Bulandra Theatre, Bucharest
“Hamelin” by Juan Mayorca, reading show on Zoom, 2021
“Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov
“Illusions” by Ivan Vîrîpaev, 2021
“Accidental Death of an Anarchist” by Dario Fo, 2018
“Absinthe” by Magda Fertacz, 2012
“The Power of Habit” by Thomas Bernhard, 2010
“Black Milk” by Vasili Sigarev, 2009
“The Cherry Orchard” by AP Chekhov, 2006
“Fuck you EU.RO.PA!” by Nicoleta Esinencu 2005
"Old Clown Wanted" Matthew Visniec 2004
"Mercutio’s Curse" Grigoriy Gorin, 2002
"A Marriage Proposal" by Chekhov, 2000
"Portrait of a Killer" by Slawomir Mrożek, 2000
"Master Leonida Facing the Reactionaries” by I.L. Caragiale, 1998
“Blackmail” by Liudmila Razumovskaia, 1998
“ Toma Caragiu ”Theatre, Ploiești
“Eight Women” by Robert Thomas, 2000
“Fani Tardini” Theatre, Galaţi
“The Other Realm” by Dušan Kovačević, 2000
National Theatre Craiova
“Night Asylum” by Maxim Gorky, 2003
“The Government Inspector” by N.V. Gogol, 2001
Small Theatre, Bucharest
“Hamelin” by Juan Mayorga, 2008
“Balkan Spy” by Dušan Kovačević, 2001
Nottara Theatre, Bucharest
“Carnival Stuff” by IL Caragiale, 2017
“God of Carnage” by Yasmina Reza, 2012
“Antigone” by Jean Anouilh, 2008
“The Visitor” by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, 2005
“Romeo and Jeanette” by Jean Anouilh, 2002
“Enigmatic Variations” by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, 2003
“Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre, Timişoara
“The Glory of Living” by Rebecca Gilman, 2005
“The Suicide” by Nikolai Erdman, 2004
Târgu Mureş National Theatre
“Ivanov” by AP Chekhov, “Liviu Rebreanu” Company, 2018
“Lovers’ Clinic” by J. Chapman and G. Friedman, 2005
“Ioan Slavici” Theatre, Arad
“Fernando Krapp Wrote Me this Letter” by Tancred Dorst, 2005
Bacovia Theatre, Bacău
“Auto” by Ernesto Caballero, 2006
Comedy Theatre, Bucharest
“The Seagull” by AP Chekhov, 2013
“Delirium in Two” by Eugène Ionesco, 2006
State Theatre, Oradea
“After the Rain” by Sergi Belbel, 2006
“Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre,
“Uncle Vanya” by AP Chekhov, 2020
“Back Home” by Mimi Brănescu, 2019
“Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, 2018
“An Enemy of the People” by Arthur Miller, 2016
“The Visit” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 2015
“August: Osage County” by Tracy Letts, 2014
“Rhinoceros” by Eugène Ionesco, 2011
“Made in East” by Constantin Cheianu, 2009
“Audition” by A. Galin, 2007
“Regina Maria” Theatre, Oradea
“... Escu” by Tudor Muşatescu, 2019
“Terrorism” by Oleg and Vladimir Presniakov, 2007
Cluj National Theatre
“A Clinical Case” by Dino Buzzati, 2008
Act Theatre
“Once Upon a Second Time” by Mimi Brănescu, 2009
State Jewish Theatre
“Enemies - A Love Story”, after Isaac Bashevis Singer, 2012
“Driving Miss Daisy” by Alfred Uhry, 2009
“Dinner with Friends” by Donald Margulies, 2010
Metropolis Theatre
“A Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams, 2018
“Jack and His Women” by Neil Simon, 2016
“Sex” by Roob de Graff, 2013
“Love Stories” by Radu F. Alexandru, 2011
“Getting Sara Married” by Sam Bobrick, producer Mişu Predescu, 2014
Radio theatre shows
“Love Stories” by Radu F. Alexandru, 2012
“Once Upon a Second Time” by Mimi Brănescu, 2009
“The Face of God” by Costin Manoliu
TVR Shows
“Old Clown Wanted” by Matei Vişniec, 2005
“Master Leonida Facing the Reactionaries” by IL Caragiale, 2001
Other Activities
Directed the Christmas Concertof Ştefan Bănică, Palace Hall, Bucharest 2014
Directed the Christmas Concert of Stefan Banica, Palace Hall, Bucharest 2013
Radio Romania Cultural Awards Gala, 2012
Professional experience
Associate Professor, "George Enescu" University of Arts, laşi, Directing Specialization, 2015 - 2017
Associate Professor, UNATC .IL Caragiale ", Bucharest, Faculty of Theatre, Department of Theatre Direction, 2015 - present
Manager of the "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Braşov, 2015 - ongoing
Associate Professor UNATC "IL Caragiale", Bucharest, Faculty of Theatre, Department of Theatre Direction, 2007 - 2009
Manager of the "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Braşov and manager of the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival from Braşov, 2002 - 2015
Manager of the “Sică Alexandrescu” Theatre, Braşov, 1999 - 2010
Member of the UNITER Senate - three mandates
Education and training
PhD student - UNATC - Doctoral school in the field of Theatre and performing arts. Research topic: "Masses and the Art of Theatre (20th century-early 21st century)", 2017 - present
UNATC Bachelor / Master "IL Caragiale", Faculty of Theatre, specialization in theater direction, 1994 - 1999
Grand Prize at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival of Braşov for August: Osage County by Tracy Letts 2014
UnderCloud award at UnderCloud - Theater Festival Independent, for Once Upon a Second Time by Mimi Brănescu 2013
UnderCloud award at UnderCloud - Independent theatre festival, for Dinner withFriends by Donald Margulies, 2012
Award for Best Director at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Absinthe by Magda Fertacz, 2012
Special Jury Prize at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Once Upon a Second Time by Mimi Brănescu, 2010
UNITER Award for Radio Theatre, for directing the show Once Upon a Second Time by Cornel Mimi Brănescu, 2010
Award for Best Director at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival of Brasov, for Hamelin by Juan Mayorga, 2008
Award for Best Performance at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Audition by A. Galin, 2007
Award for Best Director at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Fernando Krapp Wrote This Letter to me by Tankred Dorst, 2005
Award for Best Director at the Comedy Festival, Galați, for Old Clown Wanted by Matei Vişniec, 2004
Award for Best Performance at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for OldClown Wanted by Matei Vişniec, 2004
Award for Best Performance at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Mercutio's Curse by Grigorii Gorin, 2002
Award for Best Director at the Short Theatre Festival, Oradea, for A Marriage Proposal by AP Chekhov , 2002
Award for Best Director at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, for Romeo and Jeanette by Jean Anouilh, 2002
Award for Best best director at the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival, Brasov, Mercutio’s Curse by Grigorii Gorin, 2002
Award, Romanian Section, for A Marriage Proposal by AP Chekhov and Portrait of a Murderer by Slawomir Mrozek, 2001
Nomination for the UNITER Awards for Best Director for Portrait of a Murderer by Slawomir Mrozek, 2001
Award for Best Director at the Comedy Festival, Galati for A Marriage Proposal by AP Chekhov, 2001
Prize of the Ministry of Culture and Cults for The Government Inspector by NV Gogol, 2000
Prize for the Best Director at the Romanian Dramaturgy Festival, Timişoara, for Master Leonida Facing the Reactionariesby IL Caragiale, 2000
UNITER Prize for debut, Master Leonida Facing the Reactionariesby IL Caragiale, "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Braşov, 1999
Academy of Theatre and Film Award for Master Leonida Facing the Reactionariesby IL Caragiale, "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Braşov, 1999
Award for Best Director at the Theatre Festival, Slobozia, 1999
Translated by Simona Nichiteanu