
Contact Us

NTB switchboard: 021 / 313.91.75

Ticketing counter: 021 / 314.71.71


Interim Manager: George Călin

Deputy General Manager: Mircea Rusu

Manager Interim Secretary:


Telephone: 021 / 313. 94. 37; 021/314 32 72; Fax: 021 / 312. 31. 69



Artistic Director: Marius Bodochi


Telephone: 021 / 310 15 18; Telephone/Fax: 021/314 56 92


Literary secretariat: Andrei Marinescu 021/313 91 75 phone extension 109


Head of Communication and International Relations Department: Adriana Popescu

Coordination of communication, international relations, exhibitions, sponsorships

E-mail:; Telephone: 021 / 313 83 59; 0745 073 007


Marketing, Promotion and Public Relations Service:

Tasks: press relations, production of promotion materials: photo-video, graphics, media partnerships

Head of Department, Responsible for the application of Law 544/2001 on Information of Public Interest, Coordinator of the NTB Media Studio: Anca Constantin van der Zee

Media partnerships, marketing / promotion campaigns, production of promotion materials, sponsorships; Telephone: 021 / 313 91 71, -75/ extension 136

Press relations: Olivia Chirvasiu; Telephone /Fax: 021 312 71 20

Producer delegate, TV teams access: Andreea Nae; Telephone 021 / 313 91 71, -75/ extension 154, 158; 0762 649 607

Social media, projects, photo-video page, TV teams access: Laura Grosu; Telephone 021 / 313 91 71, -75/extension 158; 0723 317 385

Graphic creation, DTP: Ionel Nicolaev; Telephone 021 / 313 91 71, -75/ extension 169

Photographer: Florin Ghioca, Telephone: 021 / 31 91 71,-75/ extension 132

Multi-media production studio NTB - Telephone: 021 / 31 91 71,-75/ extension 132

NTB Website: Gabriela Hamzescu;; 021 / 313 91 71, -75 extension 154

Traffic manager and Media Planner: Ana Munteanu Popa; Telephone: 021 / 313 91 71, -75/ extension 136;




Director of Show Organisation and Production: Constantin Vânătoru: 021 / 314 56 92

Tasks: coordination of hall activities, production and supply for shows, space rental, logistics for inland and international tours



Telephone: 021 / 310 15 18; Telephone/Fax: 021/314 56 92


Cristina Raicu: Head of service show organisation and hall coordination, ticketing agency
Telephone: 021 / 313.91.75 – phone extension 106


Head of Administrative, Transports, IT Department: Iulian Crețu

Tasks: building administration, parking lots, fleet of vehicles, registry, cleaning and security


Telephone: 0723.200.785; Telephone: 021/313.91.75, phone extension 227




How to reach NTB


The National Theatre is located in downtown Bucharest, on street intersection between Nicolae Bălcescu Boulevards, I.C. Brătianu Queen Elizabeth and Charles I.

Address is Boulevard Nicolae Bălcescu No.2, postal code 010051, Bucharest 1.
National Theatre adjoins the Hotel Intercontinental, Institute of Architecture Ion Mincu, University of Bucharest, Palace Şutu Hospital corner and the Ministry of Agriculture.

Means of conveyance


Line 2. Station Piața Universității


Numbers: 137. 336. 601. 381. Station Piața Universității

Free Parking for NTB ticket holders
(more details here)

Parking in front of the National Theatre.


Numbers: 61. 66. 69. 70. 85. 90. 91. 92. Station Teatrul Național


Number 783: Station Piața Universității

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