


Freedom and determination are what defines me best, and that’s the source of my optimism and humour. I love my audience and i am happy that it is in the room to know it.

Dan Tudor

b. 12.06.1967, Bucureşti

Plays in current season :

The Magistrate Titanic Waltz

Parts at NTB:

Colonel Lukyn - "The Magistrate" by Arthur Wing Pinero, directed by Dan Tudor, 2023

The Neighbor - "Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Musatescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2022

Rafa, the father - "The Boy in the Last Row" by Juan Mayorga, directed by Theodor Cristian Popescu, 2012

Peon - "A Duel", after A.P. Chekhov, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2009

Vasiliu - "Dance of the Fairies" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2007

Sottoqualle - "The Passion of Saint Tommaso d'Aquino" after Alex Mihai Stoenescu, directed by Grigore Gonta, 2005

Chitra - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Felix Alexa, 2003

Totoi - "The Murder for Land" after Dinu Sararu, directed by Grigore Gonta, 2003


Activities outside NTB

Theatre parts


Comedy Theatre, Bucharest

Homutov - "20 Minutes with the Angel" by Aleksandr Vampilov, directed by Felix Alexa, 2018

Minister Brănescu - "Breaking News", adapted from "Breaking News" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, 2017

Miroiu - "Nameless Star" by Mihal Sebastian, directed by Vlad Massaci, 2015

Andy - "The Masters of the Caravan" by Gerard Murfy, directed by Andy, 2012

The Baron - "The Miser in Love" by Cristian Juncu after J.B.P. Moliere, directed by Vlad Massaci, 2005

The Nephew - "I Whistle Whenever I Want to" by Andreea Valean, directed by Sorin Misiriantu, 2002

Figaro - "The Marriage of Figaro" after Pierre de Beaumarchais, directed by Alex Vasilache, 2002

Pronka - "Movie Audition" after Vasilii Suskin, directed by himself, 2001

Vic - "Funny Money" by Ray Cooney, directed by Horatiu Malaele, 2001

Father - "Get married" by J.B.P. Moliere, directed by himself, 2000

Achilles - "The Italian Straw Hat" by Eugene Labiche, directed by Horatiu Malaele, 1998

Miciurin - "Three Nights with Madox" by Matei Visniec, directed by Dinu Manolache, 1998

Chinisias - "Lysistrata" by Aristophanes, directed by Grigore Gonta, 1997

The intellectual - "The Emigrants" by Slawomir Mrozec, directed by Catalin Naum

Beppo - "Gossip, Rumors and Chatter" by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Adrian Lupu, 1996

The Duke - "The Comedy of Errors" by William Shakespeare, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 1996

Kir Cristodor - "The Old and Newcomers" by Nicolae Filimon, directed by Gelu Colceag, 1996

The Photographer - "Birds of a Feather" by Jean Poiret, directed by Valeriu Moisescu, 1992


"L.S. Bulandra" Theatre, Bucharest

The Doctor - "The Game of Slaughter" by Eugène Ionesco, directed by Beatrice Bleonț, 1992


Odeon Theatre, Bucharest

Ionel - "Miss Nastasia" by G.M. Zamfirescu, directed by Horea Popescu, 1996

Jean - "The Dinner Party" by Briseville, directed by Florentina Enache, 1995

Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest

Celimare - "Far-Gone", adaptation after Eugène Labiche, directed by Celimare, 2016


Theatrum Mundi, Bucharest

Dan Dugan - "God Bless America" by Petre Barbu, directed by Atila Vizauer, 1999

Lucio - "Measure for Measure" by William Shakespeare, directed by Mihaela Săsărman, 1993


Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest

Ellio - "The Countess" by Aldo Nicolaj, own direction, 2019

Chirică, archivist - "The King of the War Horses", adaptation after George Ciprian, own direction, 2016

Albert Nok - "Apple Pie" by Isaac Buton, self-directed, 2015


Romanian Playwrights Theatre, Bucharest

Pompiliu - "The Author is in the Hall" by Ion Băieșu, own direction, 2018

Chuck - "The Criminals" by Ana-Maria Bamberger, own direction, 2017

"Nottara" Theatre, Bucharest

Mitică Popescu - "Mitică Popescu" by Camil Petrescu, own direction, 2018


The Principal Theatre, Bucharest

Pampon - "Carnival Stuff" by I.L. Caragiale, own direction, 2019


National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest

Costel - "The Innocent" by Ion Băieșu, directed by Radu Băieșu, 2017

National Theatre, Timisoara

The Priest - "Pacala and the Priest" after Petre Dulfu, directed by himself, 1998


„Fani Tardini” Dramatic Theatre, Galati

Malvolio - "Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare, self-directed, 2004

Miss Cosambacescu (transvestite) - "The French Teacher" by Tudor Musatescu, directed by Attila Vizauer, 1998


Tudor Vianu Theatre, Giurgiu

Pompiliu - "How to get rid of Feelings" by Paul Ioachim, own direction, 2012


Mihai Eminescu" Theatre, Botosani

Chiriachița - "Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Mușatescu, own direction, 2017


George Ciprian Theatre, Buzau

Chirică, archivist - "The Man with the Manger" by George Ciprian, self-directed, 2020

Iosif - "Taxi Blues" by Ana-Maria Bamberger, own direction, 2012

Konnelly - "My Husband’s Wild Desires" by John Tobias, own direction, 2010

The Actor - "The Bird of Youth" - recital William Shakespeare, directed by Paul Ioachim, 1997


I.D. Sarbu Dramatic Theatre, Petrosani

Him - "Frenzy for Two of More" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Attila Vizauer, 1996

"A Clown's Clothes" - one man show, directed by himself, 1995


"Liviu Rebreanu" Theatre, Bistrita

Rică Venturiano - "A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, self-directed, 2017


Roles in independent theatre

The Dream Machine Theatre, Bucharest

The Tramp - "The Tramp", adapted after Victor Eftimiu, 2015

Jean - "Love in the Pharmacy", after Eugène Labiche, 2013


Behind the Scenes Theatre, Bucharest

Pronka - "Xeroxed", after an idea by Vasili Suksin, 2013


Mignon Theatre, Bucharest

He - "Crooks in the open air", adapted after Ion Băieșu, 2013


Green Hours Theatre, Bucharest

Simon - "7 days in the life of Simon Labrosse" by Carolle Frechette, self-directed, 2006


Art Jazz Club, Bucharest

The Gatekeeper - "The Gatekeeper of Hell" - script after William Shakespeare, own direction, 2006


Unteatru, Bucharest

Prompter - "The Prompter of Fear" by Matei Vișniec, 2001


Parts in foreign theatres

Ireland: The misunderstood - "End of the Line" by Paul Ioachim, directed by Donal Gallagher, Granary Theatre, Cork, 2008

Ireland: Radu - "Mushroom" by Paul Meade, directed by Liam Haligam, Storytellers Theatre Company, Dublin, 2007

Scotland: Ion - "We are Everywhere at Home" by Clare Duffy, directed by Scott Johnston, Cumbernauld Theatre, Cumbernauld, 2008


Directing in state theatres

"Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Musatescu, National Theatre of Bucharest, 2022

"Figaro Style", adaptation for children, after the opera "The Barber of Seville" by Gioachino Rossini, "Ambasadorii" Music Theatre, 2021

"The Man with the Muppet", by George Ciprian, "George Ciprian" Theatre, Buzău, 2020

"Spinning a Yarn", musical, adaptation after Victor Eftimiu, "The Ambassadors" Musical Theatre, Bucharest, 2020

"Marriage Act" by Efraim Kison, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2020

"Onion", adapted after Aldo Nicolaj, "Stela Popescu" Theatre, Bucharest, 2019

"The Countess", adapted after Aldo Nicolaj, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2019

"Carnival Stuff" by I.L. Caragiale, Principal Theatre, Bucharest, 2019

"Mitică Popescu" by Camil Petrescu, "Nottara" Theatre, Bucharest, 2018

"The Author is in the Hall" by Ion Băieșu, Romanian Playwrights Theatre, Bucharest, 2018

"A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, "Liviu Rebreanu" Theatre, Bistrita, 2017

"The Criminals" by Ana-Maria Bamberger, Romanian Playwrights Theatre, Bucharest, 2017

"Confidential. Arghezi Scenes", adapted after Tudor Arghezi, Romanian Playwrights Theatre, Bucharest, 2017

"Generation 1927", from the project "Centenary of the Great Union", National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, 2017

"Titanic Waltz" by Tudor Musatescu, "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre, Botosani, 2017

"The Musicians of Bremen", drama adaptation by Oltița Cântec, "Mihai Eminescu" Theatre, Botoșani, 2017

"Chirița in Iași" by Vasile Alecsandri, "Stela Popescu" Theatre, Bucharest, 2017

"Mister Goe", after I.L.Caragiale, "Stela Popescu" Theatre, Bucharest, 2016

"The King of the War Horses", adapted after George Ciprian, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2016

"Immortal" by Mona Radu, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2016

"Hagi Tudose", adapted after Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea, Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest, 2016

"Far-Gone", adaptation after Eugène Labiche, Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest, 2016

"Slave to Two Masters" by Carlo Goldoni, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2015

"Apple Pie" by Isaac Buton, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2015

"Whose Child is It?" by André Roussin, "Aureliu Manea" Theatre, Turda, 2015

"Quartet" by Ronald Harwood, Creart Teatrelli, Bucharest, 2014

"The Man Who Saw Death" by Victor Eftimiu, National Theatre Bucharest, 2013

"The Follies of Love" by George Smarandache, Slatina Cultural Centre, 2013

"The Boors" by Carlo Goldoni, Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest, 2013

"The Imaginary Sick" by Molière, Alexandru Davila Theatre, Pitesti, 2013

"The Lourcine Street Affair" by Eugène Labiche, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2012

"The Masters of the Caravan" by Gerald Murphy, Theatre of Comedy, Bucharest, 2012

"How to Get Rid of Feelings" by Paul Ioachim, "Tudor Vianu" Theatre, Giurgiu, 2012

"Taxi Blues" by Ana-Maria Bamberger, "George Ciprian" Theatre, Buzău, 2012

"The Magpies" by Al. Kirițescu, Metropolis Theatre, Bucharest, 2012

"The Heiress" by Lucia Verona, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 2012

"The 13th Floor Doll" by Mircea M. Ionescu, "Tudor Vianu" Theatre, Giurgiu, 2011

"The Wedding" by Ion Băieșu, "Tudor Vianu" Theatre, Giurgiu, 2011

"Asylum of Lovers" by John Chapman and Dave Freeman, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2011

"Belvedere" by Ana-Maria Bamberger, "Alexandru Davila" Theatre, Pitesti, 2011

"Don Quixote's Dream" by Miguel de Cervantes, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 2011

"The Romanian Patriotic" by Mircea Ștefănescu, "Alexandru Davila" Theatre, Pitesti, 2010

"The Fools of Helem" by Israel Zangwill, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2010

"Carnival Stuff" by I.L. Caragiale, "Tudor Vianu" Theatre, Giurgiu, 2010

"Feeling" by Dan Moțoc, "Tudor Vianu" Theatre, Giurgiu, 2010

"The Spectacles Merchant" by Tudor Arghezi, National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, 2010

"The Story of Prince Charming", adapted after Mihai Eminescu and Petre Ispirescu, "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Brasov, 2010

"The King of Pomanagi" by Israel Zangwill, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2010

"Stuck in the Bedroom" by John Tobias, "George Ciprian" Theatre, Buzău, 2010

"The Comedy of the Clouds", adapted after Aristophanes, National Theatre Bucharest, 2009

"Molto, gran' impressione" by Romulus Vulpescu, National Theatre Bucharest, 2009

"Wedding and Divorce" by Shalom Alehem, Jewish State Theatre, Bucharest, 2008

"Misanthropy" by Theo Herghelegiu, "Bacovia" Theatre, Bacau, 2007

"Skin Deep" by Paul Meade, "Alexandru Davila" Theatre, Pitesti, 2007

"Mister Goe" by I.L. Caragiale, "Sică Alexandrescu" Theatre, Brasov, 2007

"Incidents in a City of Fools" by Moshe Gershenson, Piatra Neamt Youth Theatre, 2006

"If that one is with that one, who will that one be with?" by Mimi Brănescu, Youth Theatre Piatra Neamț, 2006

"Sânziana and Pepelea", adaptation after Vasile Alecsandri, National Theatre Bucharest, 2006

"A Lost Aunt" by Marilena Dumitrescu, ArCuB and "Nottara" Theatre, Bucharest, 2006

"Trandy" by Geo Iancu Călinescu, "Alexandru Davila" Theatre, Pitesti, 2006

"Youth without Age" by Petre Ispirescu, Urmuz Theatre, Tulcea, 2005

"Lady Di" by Tomislav Zajek, "Fani Tardini" Dramatic Theatre, Galati, 2005

"Thieves" by Dario Fo, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 2005

"Erotic Games" by Ray Cooney, "Maria Filotti" Theatre, Braila, 2004

"Twelfth Night" by William Shakespeare, "Fani Tardini" Dramatic Theatre, Galati, 2004

"The Lunatics" by Pierre Chesnot, Urmuz Theatre, Tulcea, 2003

"The Stumbler" by A.D. Hertz, Urmuz Theatre, Tulcea, 2003

"The Art of Adultery" by Pierre Chesnot, "Fani Tardini" Dramatic Theatre, Galati, 2003

"Job Offer" by Lia Bugnar and Dana Măgdici, Dramatic Theatre "Fani Tardini", Galați, 2002

"A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, Dramatic Theatre "Fani Tardini", Galați, 2002

"Film Test" by Vasili Suskin, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 2001

"Get Married", adaptation after J.B.P. Molière, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 2000

"A Clown’s Clothes", adapted after William Shakespeare, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 1999

"Păcală and the Priest" by Petre Dulfu, directed by Dan Tudor and Vasile Toma, "Mihai Eminescu" National Theatre, Timișoara, 1998


Direction in independent theatres

"The Tramp", adapted after Victor Eftimiu, The Dream Machine Theatre, Bucharest, 2015

"Love in the Pharmacy", adapted after Eugène Labiche, The Dream Machine Theatre, Bucharest, 2013

"Xeroxed", after an idea by Vasili Suksin, Teatrul În Culise, Bucharest, 2013

"Crooks in the Open Air", adapted after Ion Băieșu, Mignon Theatre, Bucharest, 2013

"3 O`Clock" by Ana Maria Bamberger, The Dream Machine Theatre, Bucharest and Magus Project Theatre, Hamburg, Germany, 2011

"Scapino" by J.B.P. Molière, Dracula Theatre, Music and Film Cultural Association, Bucharest, 2011

"Ecstasy" by Ioan Drăgoi, LUNI Theatre at Green Hours, Bucharest, 2010

"Extreme" by William Mastrosimone, La Scena Theatre, Bucharest, 2006

"The Gatekeeper of Hell", screenplay after William Shakespeare, Art Jazz Club, Bucharest, 2006

"Seven Days in the Life of Simon Labrosse" by Carolle Frechette, Monday Theatre at Green Hours, Bucharest, 2006

"The Prompter of Fear" by Matei Vișniec, Teatrul Unu, Bucharest, 2001


Director in theatres abroad

"Youth Everlasting and Life Without End", Ion Rațiu Cultural Centre, London, 15 December 2007

"Thesis" by Gerry Dukes, David Parnell and Paul Meade, "Joakim Vujic" Theatre, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2008


International tours of directed performances

England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, France, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, Belgium, Canada


Film Parts

St. Louis - "House with a Man", own direction, 2021

Liviu Pușcaș, A Man - "White", directed by Liviu Pușcaș, 2020

Sonny - "The Wrong Day", own direction, 2019

Marius - "Zavera", directed by Andrei Gruzsnicki, 2018

Brediceanu - "Quod Erat Demonstrandum", directed by Andrei Gruzsniczki, 2013

Thomasso - "2 plus 2", directed by Thomas Ciulei, 2012

Party Activist - "I'm an Old Communist Hag", directed by Stere Gulea, 2012

Instructor - "The Silent Wedding", directed by Horațiu Mălăele, 2008

Silvio - "Iszka`s Journey", directed by Csaba Bollok, 2006

Officer 3 - "Tertium Non Datur", directed by Lucian Pintilie, 2005

Sandu - "The Triangle of Death", directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu, 2002

Policier colis - "Mariage Interdit", directed by Gerard Cuq, 2001

The Stranger - "Owners of the Stars", directed by Savel Stiopul, 2001

Dinu - "The Ankara Incident", directed by A.V. Berenyi, 1999

Lieutenant Ulea - "Terminus Paradis", directed by Lucian Pintilie, 1998

Valentino - "Pepe and Fifi", directed by Dan Pița, 1994

A Soldier - "The Bat Hunt", directed by Daniel Bărbulescu, 1991


Film director

"House with a Man" - directed and screenplay, 2021

"White" - directed and screenplay, 2020

"Track One" - direction and screenplay, 2020

"The Wrong Day" - direction and screenplay, 2019


TV Theatre Roles

Bogumil - "Master Manole", directed by Olimpia Arghir and Al. Irimia

Pronka Lagutin - "What’s Wrong, Vanya?", directed by Sergiu Ionescu

Jourdain - "The Gentleman Bourgeois", directed by Cosmin Marian

Vic - "Money from Heaven", directed by Horațiu Mălăele

Simone - "Seven Days in the Life of Simone Labrosse", directed by Dan Tudor


Roles in Television Films

Baron - "The Miser in Love", directed by Vlad Massaci

"The Barons" - TV series, directed by Dan Tudor

Commissioner - "An Impossible Marriage", directed by Silviu Jicman

Achilles - "Achilles' Heel", TV series, directed by Sergiu Ionescu

Operator - "Aerisirea", directed by Silviu Jicman

Val Munteanu - "Lady Dracula's Lover" by Fănuș Neagu, directed by Constantin Dicu

Securitate Officer - "War in the Kitchen", directed by Marius Barna


Professional Experience

Interim Manager at the "Ambassadors" Musical Theatre, Bucharest (institution subordinated to the Ministry of Culture), 3 August 2020 - 3 August 2021

Manager Administrator of the B22 Theatre and Film Studio, Bucharest, since October 2020

Actor, Comedy Theatre, from 2014 to present

Lecturer at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, "Hyperion" University, Bucharest, from 2012 to present

Manager Administrator of the Dream Machine Theatre LTD, Bucharest, 2004-2019

Actor-Director, "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre, Bucharest, 2003-2014

Actor, Comedy Theatre, Bucharest, 1996-2003

Actor, Odeon Theatre, Bucharest, 1994-1996


Experience in television: moderator, producer and director of TV shows (TVR, ProTV, Antena 1, B1TV etc.).


Member of professional associations

Member of the Romanian Theatre Union (UNITER)

Member of the Romanian Writers' Union


Publishing Activity

"The Stranger", bilingual Romanian-English edition, 2013

"Romanian Folk Theatre. Tradition and spectacular innovation", 2013

"Elements of Folklore Useful for Directorial and Acting Experiments", 2013

"Larvae of Love", volume of verses, 2006

"The Water Apprentice", volume of verses, 2000

"You", volume of verses, 1995


Musical Activity

Musical album "Loving you", composer and performer, 2013

Composer and lyrics: "For 2 hours I've been waiting for you", song performed by the band Supermarket, reached the country final for the Eurovision selection 2008


Education and Training

Academy of Theatre and Film Bucharest (now UNATC), Bachelor of Theatre Arts, prof: Theatre Arts, specialization: Acting, class Prof. Mircea Albulescu, 1991-1995

"I.L. Caragiale" National University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts Bucharest, PhD in Theatre, coordinated by Prof. Ion Toboșaru, 2008-2011

"Hyperion" University of Bucharest, Faculty of Arts, Bachelor in Film Arts, in the field of study: Cinematography and Media, study programme: cinematography, photography, media, film and TV direction, class Univ. Prof. PhD Alecu Croitoru and Univ. Prof. PhD Laurențiu Damian, 2014-2017

"Ion Sava" Centre for Theatre Research and Creation, National Theatre Bucharest (at the National Centre for Studies "Mihai Eminescu", Ipotești), training in the art of acting, creative workshop: "Inspiration and revitalization of acting skills", under the guidance of director and professor Radu Penciulescu and choreographer and professor Florin Fieroiu, 11-23 August 2008

Andrei Șerban Workshop, "Ioan Slavici" Classical Theatre, Arad, training in the art of acting, 1994


Nominations and Awards in Theatre

The 2021 UK International Audio Drama Festival, 22-26 March 2021: 3rd place in the Radio Drama Category for the National Radio Theatre's production of "Soul Mate" by Petre Barbu, directed by Atila Vizauer. Performed by Dan Tudor; 22 countries participated, with 116 radio productions in 17 languages, 2021

Mircea Albulescu" Award for directing, for the performance "The Criminals", at the Mircea Albulescu Theatre Festival, Câmpina, 2018

Goange Marinescu" Award for direction, for the performance "Taxi Blues" at the International Studio Theatre Festival, Pitesti, 2012

Award for Best Performance - "Taxi Blues" (directed by Dan Tudor) and Best Male Performance for the same performance at the National Comedy Festival, Galati, 2012

Award for Best Director for "Belvedere" at the Vratza International Theatre Festival, Bulgaria, 2011

Special Jury Prize for "Belvedere" at the International Theatre Festival Joakim Interfest in Kraguevac, Serbia, 2011

Audience Award for Best Performance with "Sânziana and Pepelea" at the National Comedy Festival, Galați, 2007

Award for best performance for "Extreme" at the National Studio Theatre Festival in Pitesti, 2006

Popularity Award for "Youth without Age" at the Gulliver Festival, Galați, 2006

Directing Award for the performance in alternative spaces for "Thieves" and "Seven Days in the Life of Simon Labrosse" at the National Comedy Festival, Galați, 2006

Popularity Award for "Youth without Age", FESTCO - Romanian Comedy Festival (Comedy Theatre), 2005

The directing award for inventiveness in the use of comic means, for the shows "A Stormy Night" and "Job Offer" at the National Comedy Festival of Galați, 2002

Grand Prize for "Păcală and the Priest", Young Actor Gala, Costinești, 1998

I.D. Sârbu" Creative Award for the monologues "Clown’s Clothes" and "Delir în doi", Petroșani, 1996

Grand Prize for the recital "Clown’s Clothes", Young Actor Gala, Costinești, 1995


Directed film: „The Wrong Day”


1. Hollywood International Golden Age Festival – Best Comedy, December, 2020

2. Independent Shorts Awards, August, 2020

• Gold Awards, Best Comedy Short

• Bronze Award, Best Supporting Actor - Tudorel Filimon

3. IndieX Film Fest, August, 2020

• Best Comedy Short

• Outstanding Achievement Award (Original Screenplay), Dan Tudor

4. Cyrus Monthly Short Festival of Toronto, August, 2020

• Best Comedy Short

5. Hollywood Blood Horror Festival, September, 2020

• Best Action

• Best First Time Director, Dan Tudor



IndieX Film Fest, August, 2020

• Best Indie Short

• Best Actor, Tudorel Filimon



1. Lift Off Global Network, August, 2020

2. First Time Filmmaker Sessions, August, 2020

3. Dumbo Film Festival, July, 2020

4. London Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival, June, 2020

5. Beverly Hills Film Festival, April, 2020

6. Dublin International Short Film and Music Festival, October, 2019

7. International Short Film Festival, Pune, India, November 2020

8. Indie Shorts Awards Miami (MIA), September, 2020


Directed film: „Track One”


1. Seoul International Short Film Festival, March, 2021

• Best First Time Filmmaker, Dan Tudor

2. IndieX Film Fest, August, 2020

• Best Dark Comedy

• Outstanding Achievement Award (First Time Director - Male)

3. Indie Short Fest, August, 2020

• Best Dark Comedy Short



Indie Short Fest, August, 2020

• Best Acting Ensemble



New York Tri-State International Film Festival, March, 2021


Directed film: „White”


1. Adiff Russia – Sankt Petersburg, February-March 2021

• Best Actor, Dan Tudor

2. IndieX Film Fest, September, 2020

• Best Short Film Noir

• Best Actor, Dan Tudor

• Outstanding Achievement Award- Original Screenplay, Dan Tudor

3. The Accolade Global Film Competition, September, 2020

• Best Short – Award of Merit

• Best Actor, Dan Tudor – Award of Excellence

4. Indie Short Fest, September, 2020

• Best Film Noir Short

• Best Actor, Dan Tudor

• Outstanding Achievement Award –Original Screenplay, Dan Tudor

• Outstanding Achievement Award- Director Male, Dan Tudor



1. Jelly Film Fest – finalist – January, 2021

2. International Short Film Festival, Pune, India, November, 2020

3. Indie Short Fest, August, 2020

• Best Original Score, Vlaicu Golcea



1. Acting Awards Festival – January, 2021

2. Vancouver Independent Film Festival – January, 2021


Translated by Simona Nichiteanu 

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