Gavril Pătru
b. 13.08.1972
In the current season the actor plays in:
Allegro ma non troppo Carnival Stuff Class Fool for Love Perplex Rumors The Country House The MousetrapParts at the NTB:
- Giani - "Perplex" by Marius von Mayenburg, directed by Ștefan Iordănescu, 2023
- Michael Astor - “The Country House” by Donald Margulies, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2022
- Nae Girimea - „Carnival Stuff" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2021
- Brian Costello - "Class" by Iseult Golden and David Horan, directed by Felix Alexa, 2019
- Commissioner Trotter - ’The Mousetrap’’ by Agatha Christie, directed by Erwin Simsensohn, 2018
- Leonid Andreevici Gaev - "The Cherry Orchad" by A.P. Cehov, directed by David Doiashvili, 2017
- The Stranger - „Shadows” by Marilia Samper, directed by Vlad Cristache, 2017
- Earl of Kent - “King Lear” by William Shakespeare, directed by David Doiashvili, 2016
- The Intendant - "Requiem" by Matei Visniec, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2016
- Mace - "Pearls, thread yourselves" by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Dan Puric, 2015
- Ion Marian - "Allegro, ma non troppo" by Ion Minulescu, directed by Razvan Popa, 2014
- Sebastian - "The Tempest" after William Shakespeare, directed by Alexander Morfov, 2014
- Glenn Cooper - "Rumors" by Neil Simon, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2013
- Eddie - "Fool for Love" by Sam Shepard, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2013
- Mr. Lefter Popescu - "Lottery Tickets" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2012
- Nichita - "The Man and His Old Crock" by George Ciprian, directed by Anca Bradu, 2011
- Bobo - „Seven by One Shot" by Lia Bugnar, director Ion Caramitru, from 2010
- Frank Lubey - „All My Sons" by Arthur Miller, director Ion Caramitru, 2009
- Laevski - „The Duel" by A.P. Cehov, director Alexandru Dabija, 2009
- Rocco - „ Saturday, Sunday and Monday " by Eduardo De Filippo, director Dinu Cernescu, 2007
- Gerry - „ Dancing at Lughnasa " by Brian Friel, director Lynne Parker, 2006
- Mişa, mobster - „The Fourth Sister" by Janusz Glowacki, director Alexandru Colpacci, 2006
- Fiodor - "The Heart of a Dog " by Mihail Bulgakov, director Yuriy Kordonskiy, 2005
- Ascanio Petruccio - „Lucrezia Borgia" by Victor Hugo, director Cristian Ioan, 2004
- Vameşul Chiracola - „Sunset" by Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, director Dan Piţa, 2004
- Popescu - „The Lost Letter" by I.L. Caragiale, director Grigore Gonţa, 2003
- Niculaie Temelie - „Murder over a Piece of Land" by Dinu Sararu, director Grigore Gonta, 2002
- Poet - „Caprices at Union" by I.L. Caragiale, director Gelu Colceag, 2002
- Nae Girimea - „Carnival Adventures" by I.L. Caragiale, director Gelu Colceag, 2002
- Philip Capet - „The Lion in Winter" by James Goldman, director Petre Bokor, 2002
- Stahovici - „The Living Corpse" by Lev N.Tolstoi, director Gelu Colceag, 2001
- Mr. Smith, husband, Defense attorney - „Machinal" by Sophie Treadwell, director Alexander Hausvater, 2000
- Stanley - „Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, director Horea Popescu, 2000
- George - „Generation of Sacrifice" by J. Valjan, director Dinu Cernescu, 1999
- The King - „The King and the Corpse" by Vlad Zografi, director Andreea Vulpe, 1999
Activities outside NTB
Parts in theatre:
Act Theatre
The Man - “Three” after “Port Authority” by Conor McPherson, directed by Gavril Patru, 2016
“Back Home” by Mimi Branescu, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2009
Nottara Theatre
The Son - “A Family of Artists” by Kado Kostzer and Alfredo Arias, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2016
Metropolis Theatre
Stanley Kovalski– “A Streetcar Named Desire“ byTennessee Williams, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2018
Dick Christie - “Play It Again, Sam” by Woody Allen, directed by Liviu Lucaci, 2016
The Father - “M. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran” by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, directed by Chris Simion, 2016
Vasca Pepel - “Night Asylum” by Maxim Gorki, directed by Mircea Marin, 2009
Excelsior Theatre
Vlaicu the Ruler - “Vlaicu the Ruler” by Alexandru Davila, directed by Horia Suru, 2018
The Romanian Playwrights Theatre
The Gravedigger – “Cemetery Ball” after George Astalos, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2017
The Thief - “The Perfect Thief” by Dan Tarchila, directed by Paul Chiributa, 2017
The Alien - “The Power of Love” by Ion Baiesu, directed by Paul Chiributa, 2017
The George Ciprian Theatre, Buzau
Nicolo – “Old Clown Wanted” by Matei Visniec, directed by Daniel Bucur, 2017
Elvira Godeanu Foundation
Matei Pintenaru - “The Mistress”, after A.D. Hertz, directed by Armand Calota, 2016
National Theatre of Craiova
"The Dwarf in the Summer Garden" by D.R. Popescu, directed by Silviu Purcarete, 1993
“The Blue Threshold” by I.D. Sirbu, directed by Cristian Hadjiculea, 1991
“Ubu Rex with Scenes from Macbeth”, a show by Silviu Purcarete, 1990
Comedy Theatre
„The Old and New Parvenus" by Nicolae Filimon, directed by Gelu Colceag, 1996
Odeon Theatre
“The Tiger” by Mournay Shisgal, directed by Ada Lupu,1996
Art and Cinema Institute, Acting section, coordinated by profs. Florin Zamfirescu and Doru Ana, class of 1996