Ilinca Goia
b. 06.03.1969, Bucureşti
Parts at NTB:
- Charlotte Cary - "The Welkin" by Lucy Kirkwood, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2022
- She - "Anonymous venezian" after Giuseppe Berto, A production of the "Ion Sava" Center for Theater Research and Creation, 2014
- Wife - "Little Hell" by Mircea Ștefănescu, directed by Mircea Cornișteanu, 2013
- Eva - "Coming Clean" by Petr Zelenka, directed by Alexandru Mâzgăreanu, 2011
- Diane - „Sentimental Tectonics" by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, directed by Nicolae Scarlat, 2009
- The Unfair Reasoning - „The Clouds" after a play by Aristophanes, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009
- Madam Smaranda - „Molto, gran' impressione" by Romulus Vulpescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009
- Maria Sineşti - „The Dance of the Wicked Fairies" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2007
- Velma Kelly - „Chicago" by Maurine Dallas Watkins, directed by Ricard Reguant, 2005
- Heavenly - „Sweet Bird of Youth" by Tennessee Williams, directed by Tudor Mărăscu, 2005
- Magda Minu - „Last Hour" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Anca Ovanez Doroşenco, 2003
- Alexandrina - „Murder for Land" after a play by Dinu Săraru, script and stage management: Grigore Gonţa, 2002
- Maşa - „Three Sisters" by A.P. Cehov, directed by Iuri Krasovski, 2002
- The Courtesan - „The Legend of the Last Emperor" by Valentin Nicolau, directed by Alice Barb, 2002
- Aglăiţa - „ Whims at the Union" adapted after I.L. Caragiale's play, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2001
- Aldonza - „Man of La Mancha" by Dale Wesserman, directed by Ion Cojar, 2000
- Feminine Choire - „Antique Trilogy" inspired by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, directed by Andrei Şerban, 1990
- Liza - „Vassa Jeleznova" by Maxim Gorki, directed by Ion Cojar, 1989
Activities outside the NTB:
Parts in theatre
ARCUB - Bucharest 555
Olga - "The Mistress" after "The Flounder" by A.D. Hertz, directed by Armand Calinovici, 2014
„Eugene O`Neill" Romanian-American Theater
Gwen - „Fifth of July" by Lansford Wilson, directed by Elliot Swift, 1995
San Diego Repertory Theatre
Leah - „The Dybbuk" by Solomon Anski, directed by Todd Salovey, 1993
New York - theatrical activity at A.M.D.A.
- Beverly - „The Shadow Box" by Michael Cristofer, directed by Tim Riley, 1993
- Joan of Arc - „Good King Charles" by L. Grosman and H. Hackady, directed by Brian Aschineger
- Desiree - „Little Serenade" by Stephen Sondheim, directed by Elaine Petricoff
- Abigail - „The Salem Witches" by Arthur Miller, directed by Tim Riley
- Mary Magdalene - „Jesus Christ Superstar" by Andrew L. Weber, directed by Elaine Petricoff, 1994
- Marion - „Father's Day" by Oliver Hailey, directed by Judy Lee Vivier
- Macavity I - „Cats" by Andrew L. Weber, directed by Elaine Petricoff
- Reno - „Anything Goes" by Cole Porter, directed by Brian Aschinger, 1996
- The Innkeeper's Wife - „Zorba" by John Kander and Fred Ebb, directed by Elaine Petricoff
LD Globe Theatre, San Diego
- Anna - „Fiddler on the Roof" by John Kander and Fred Ebb, directed by Noel Craig, 1992
Pod Theather:
- Oana - „Prince Ştefan " by Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, directed by Cătălin Naum, 1987
- Juliet - „Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, directed by Cătălin Naum, 1988
Casandra Studio
- Lucia Bayard - „Long Lunch" by T. Wilder, directed by Florin Zamfirescu, 1991
- Veta - „A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Doru Ana
- Celia - „As You Like It" by William Shakespeare, directed by Florin Zamfirescu
- Wanda - „The Clackers" by Alexandru Kiriţescu, directed by Florin Zamfirescu, 1992
Constantin Nottara Theater
- The Weak Woman - „Da-Da-Dans" ("Da-Da-Dance") by Florin Fieroiu and Theodor Crisitan Popescu, 1999
- Nicole - „The Script" by Martin Crimp, directed by Silvia Ionescu
- Camelia - „These Treacherous Lunatics" by Teodor Mazilu, directed by Dominic Dembinski, 1998
- Eliza - „The Mysteries of London" by George Bernard Shaw, directed by Dominic Dembinski, 1995
- Nora - „A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Mircea Cornişteanu, 1992
- Mania - „Dream Woman", directed by Dan Piţa, 2005
- The Wife - „A Happy World", directed by Malvina Urşianu, 2002
- Martha - „Dracula Resurrection", directed by Patrick Lissenner, 2001
- Catherine - „These", 2000
- Sebastiana - " Timişoara Syndrome", directed by Nicolae Opriţescu, 1999
- Elizabeth - „The Talisman ", directed by Denis Decoteau, 1998
- Ecaterina Teodoroiu - „Death Triangle", directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu, 1997
- Cassandra - „The Laymen", directed by Ted Nicolau, 1996
- The Teacher - „The Midas Child", directed by Denis Decoteau, 1995
- Ilinca Arnoteanu, Wanda - „The Libertines", directed by Mircea Veroiu, 1994
- Natalie - „Hidden Fear", directed by Courtenay Joiner, 1993
- Martha - „White Lace Dress", directed by Dan Piţa, 1988
- Ilonka - „The Moment of Truth", directed by Andrei Blaier
- Sofia - „Poor Man, Rich Man", directed by Adrian Batista, Alex Mihail, Anca-Maria Colţeanu, Peter Kerek, PRO TV tv series, 2006
- Beatrice - „Tears of Love", directed by Iura Luncaşu, 2005
- The Singer - „Ges Romano", directed by Dominic Dembinski, 2004
- Dorina - „The Serpant" by Mircea Eliade, directed by Viorel Sergovici, 1996
- The Woman - „January Ballad", screenwriter and director: Dominic Dembinski
- Oana, Roberta - „Roberta's Diary", TV series, directed by Vali Hotea
- Aranca - „Aranca" by Cezar Petrescu, directed by Dominic Dembinski, 1995
- The Beautiful Girl, the Actress - „The Friend's Letters" by A.E. Bakonski, directed by Mircea Veroiu
- Alina - „The Cell of the Missing Poet"by Iosif Naghiu, directed by Silviu Jicman, 1994
- Magda - „Last Hour" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Dinu Cernescu, 1993
- Anişoara - „Marcel and Marcel" by Alexandru Kiriţescu, directed by Dumitru Dinulescu, 1992
The "I.L. Caragiale" National University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts, Bucharest, class of 1992, professors Florin Zamfirescu and Doru Ana
The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (A.M.D.A.) New York, 1993 - 1994; 1996
Nominations and Awards:
The Critics' Drama Logue award of Los Angeles for the role of Leah - „Dybbuk", 1994
Debut Award at the Film Festival in Costineşti for the roles performed in „White Lace Dress " and „The Moment of Truth", 1991
The "Cultural Merit" medal awarded by the President of Romania.