


I take upon myself the burdain of good and bad emotions so the viewer can work through his own problems just be watching me. It is an infinite exchange of energy on both sides.

Ioan Andrei Ionescu

b. 12.04.1974, Bucureşti

Parts at NTB:

  • Dr. Robert Servatius - "The Eichmann Trial" by Motti Lerner, directed by Mihai Calin, 2024
  • Torvald Helmer - "Nora" by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Chris Simion - Mercurian, 2024
  • Pantazi - "Gallants of the Old Court", after Mateiu Caragiale, directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu, 2023
  • "Zorro" - "one-man-show" by Margaret Mazzantini, directed by Toma Danila, 2022
  • Mr. Zero - "Machinal. The Musical" after "The Adding Machine" by Elmer Rice, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2022
  • Lord Capulet - "Romeo and Juliet" after William Shakespeare, directed by Yuri Kordonsky, 2018
  • Ermolai Alekseevici Lopahin - "The Cherry Orchad" by A.P. Cehov, directed by David Doiashvili, 2017
  • Earl of Gloucester - “King Lear” by William Shakespeare, directed by David Doiashvili, 2016
  • The Officer - "Requiem" by Matei Visniec, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2016
  • Iorgu - "God dresses from the Thrift" by Iulian Margu, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2014
  • He - "Anonymous venezian" after Giuseppe Berto, A production of the "Ion Sava" Center for Theater Research and Creation, 2014
  • Antonio - "The Tempest" after William Shakespeare, directed by Alexander Morfov, 2014 
  • Martin - "Fool for Love" by Sam Shepard, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2013
  • Varlam -"The Man and His Old Crock" by George Ciprian, directed by Anca Bradu, 2011
  • George Deever - „All My Sons" by Arthur Miller, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2009
  • Kirilin - „The Duel" by A.P. Cehov, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2009 
  • Georgică's father - The Romania Complex" by Mihaela Michailov, directed by Alexandra Badea, 2008   
  • Petre Boruga - „Dance of the Fairies" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2007
  • Securist II - „Red Comedy" by Constantin Turturică, directed by Alexandru Tocilescu, 2006
  • Amos / Mr Celophane - „Chicago", musical by Maurine Dallas Watkins, directed by Richard Reguant, 2005
  • Bogdan - „The Sunset of the Sun" by Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, directed by Dan Piţa, 2004
  • Voicu - „The Last Hour" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Anca Ovanez Doroşenco, 2003
  • Aghiotantul - „The Legend of the Last Emperor", directed by Alice Barb, 2002
  • Svistunov - „The Revisor" by Nicolai Vasilievici Gogol, directed by Serghei Cerkasski, 2002
  • Ipistatu - „Whims at the Union" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2001
  • Oier, Membre of the choir - „Man of La Mancha" by Miguel Cervantes, directed Ion Cojar, 2001               

Activities beside NTB

Parts in theatre

Luni Theatre - from the Green Hours:

  • „I Look Good Today", directed by Ana Mărgineanu, 2003
  • „Born Guilty", directed by Ervin Simsenson, 2003

Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre

  • Filoctet, Puppet master, Corifeu - „Odyssey 2001", directed by Cătălina Buzoianu, 2001

Geo Bogza Theatre, Câmpina:

  • Adolfo - „Comando to death", directed by Alexandru Berceanu and Radu Apostol, 1999

Parts in romanian movies:

Valeriu Condiescu - "The Ladder", directed by Vlad Paunescu, 2021
Căpitanul -
"The Cardinal", regie Nicolae Margineanu, 2019

Brancusi - "Brancusi in the Eternity", directed by Adrian Popovici, 2013

Dr. Panaitescu - "Ms Cristina" directed by Alexandru Maftei, 2012

Marcel -Hello! How are you?", directed by Alexandru Maftei, 2010

The Last Photo", directed by Alexandru Cnejevici, short, 2010

Exchange", regia Nicolae Mărgineanu, 2008

Dr. Constantinescu - „The Window", regia Vlad Feier, short, 2008

Ioan - „The Premonition", regia Vlad Feier, 2007

„Bless You Prison!", directed by Nicolae Mărgineanu, 2002

Foreign movies

Police Officer - "What About Love" directed by Klaus Menzel, 2015

Vladi - „Werewolf: The Beast Among Us", directed by Louis Morneau, 2012

"Eva", directed by Adrian Popovici, 2010

„Shadow Man", directed by Michael Keusch, 2006

Soldier - "Attack force", directed by Michael Keusch, 2006

Inquisitor - „Snuff-Movie", directed by Bernard Rose, 2005

Ragman - „Dracula III - Legacy", directed by Patrick Lussier, 2005

Frank Bull Mercea - „7 Seconds", directed by Simon Fellows, 2005

Mircea Dracul - „Vlad", directed by Michael D. Sellers, 2002


Vlad Brănescu - „A Step Forward" TV episodes, PRO TV, 2007

Cezar Năstase, - „The Bill",UK TV series, 2006

Mihai - The mother after five o`clock", directed by Radu Apostol, 2006

Armand Hârşu - „Bachlors" TV episodes, TVR 1, 2005

The Exile - „When Calls the Heart", directed by Michael Landon Jr., 2013

Team Instructor - „Life on Top", USA TV series, 2011

Lockland Soldier - „Gryphon", directed by Andrew Prowse, 2007

Emelyan Pugachev - "Catherine The Great", directed by Paul and John-Paul Davidson, 2005

The old sailor- „Vertiges", the episod „Dormir avec le diable", directed by Yves Boisset, 2001


I.L. Caragiale National University of Theatre and Film Arts, Bucharest, Acting section, 2006 promotion, Prof. Gelu Colceag's class

Acting studies at NUTFA, 2002 - 2003

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