
Current Repertory

It's your fault!

by Tomi Cristin

It's your fault!

by Tomi Cristin

Tomi Cristin
Tomi Cristin, Rareș Varniote
Daniel Vizitiu
Video design:
Mircea Anca Jr
Video Operator:
Sebastian Gherman
Dorel Sidorof, Mihai Pop
Organ operator lights:
Ștefan Dumitra, Vasile Neguț
Scene electrician:
Alex Mărgineanu
Technical Director:
Paul Tănase
Ana Maria Baranga

Premiere: 21.02.2024

Duration: 1 h 30 min / Pause: No

19 Feb 2025 19:00
15 Mar 2025 19:00

50 lei

30 lei

Performance presented as part of the Open Doors for All Program.


The life of public figures, be they singers, actors or politicians, is not always easy. Complications that arise can sometimes lead to serious problems, to borderline situations, to tragic events. The characters in "It's your fault!" seem to be winding their way through a labyrinth with no way out, full of pitfalls and the unexpected. The audience witnesses a series of events in the life of Dinu, a famous hip-hop singer, his no less famous parents and the whole world they are part of. A star and a big money boy, Dinu is in constant conflict with himself and everyone around him. A late teenager whom prison, like a cold shower, comes to wake him up to reality. Moments from the main character's past and present follow one another dynamically, in a remarkable unity. The dramatic thread is perfectly supported by the symbiosis between the dialogue scenes and the songs, which are very much in evidence in this performance, the actors showing exceptional vocal qualities, and the audience will sometimes feel as if they are at a rousing hip-hop concert.

The play "It's Your Fault!" was written during the dramatic writing workshop coordinated by actor and writer Mimi Branescu, a workshop hosted by the "Ion Sava" Centre for Theatre Research and Creation, director Claudiu Goga.

"I wrote the play "It's Your Fault!" as a story about love, love that, the more impossible it seems, the more interesting it becomes. Sometimes we struggle, fight with unknown spirits, get lost in negative thoughts and aggressive actions and don't realize that what we are looking for is right next to us, that we need so little to be happy and that we realize all this late in the game. Too late? For those who choose to embrace their past and fight, as Dinu, the main character, does, the prospects that open up are unimaginable. But why do we sometimes have it all but don't realize it? I invite viewers to see this performance and discover the answers for themselves. And then it means that my goal as an author and director has been achieved." Tomi Cristin


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 

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The Black Box Hall 19:00 Buy tickets
The Black Box Hall 19:00 Buy tickets
Dinu: Silviu Mircescu Iasmin: Monica Davidescu
Mr Lucian: Andrei Duban Fisto: Marcelo-S Cobzariu
Sebi: Eduard Adam Iris: Teodora Calagiu
Vera: Cristiana Ioniță Pastor: Tomi Cristin
A voice from the hall: Marius Bodochi Another voice from the hall: Tania Popa

"Why selfie drama? Because it photographs the moment and doesn't stand still to design some clever dramatic and philosophical construction or a huge directoral and scenographic performance with great pretensions. The text is dramaturgically OK and the performance cool or vice versa.

The current uncomplicated lines and situations with various philosophies and plots are more real than reality and mirror the picture of today's landscape.

In Mr. Cristin's show, there is dynamism, strength, truth of life to a certain level, the one proposed, but also a good communication with the spectators who, if they come from Hamlet, need some accommodation.

As a playwright, I appreciated the authenticity of the writing and the social and age categories mentioned, the sincerity in everything that is said and the courage to say what is not often said."

Dinu Grigorescu, Rinocerul Magazine – Selfie Drama: It's your fault! by Tomi Cristin  

"It is gratifying to see how, slowly but surely, the repertoire of the National Theatre in Bucharest continues to be enriched with modern texts, written and directed by contemporary authors.

This first text by Tomi Cristin will attract many young people to the theatre because it speaks their language, the hip-hop moments are well thought out, and overall the action unfolds in a linear way that is easy to understand.

The song It's your fault! is authentic, fresh, upbeat, with lines and musical moments that are sure to delight audiences.

You feel like you're actually watching a movie, which the director is editing live in front of you, changing the frames of the story, leaving you, the viewer, to connect one sequence to another.

 In a world so bleak and full of shades of grey, It's your fault! is a breath of fresh air, a mountain breeze that, while bringing some of the more painful social issues to the fore, leaves behind a pleasant sense of freshness that the viewer can relate to."

Andrei Bulboacă, Liternet - Social reflections in hip-hop rhythm - It's your fault!  

"An exciting and challenging production

"It's Your Fault!" stands out as an exciting and challenging production, confirming Tomi Cristin's talent and creativity and strengthening the reputation of the "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre as a place of innovation and artistic excellence.

The show remains a memorable experience for those who wish to explore the boundaries of contemporary theatre and be carried away on a moving and profound journey into the complex world of human relationships and hip-hop music."

Alexandra Dincă-Macovei, Ziarul Pozitiv - It's your fault!: Love stories on Hip-Hop rhythms at NTB  

"The action is suspenseful, but Dinu's story attacks far too many topical themes - the corrupt political environment, the seriousness of the drug phenomenon, the broken family, orphans, faith in God, the feeling of sincere love. The lyrics of the hip-hop moments are inspiredly composed to serve the rich theme of the action. It's a simple, soap opera-like text, full of conflict, appealing to especially young audiences.

Director Tomi Cristin rhythmically drives the action on a bare stage, with the sides marked out as if for two make-up booths. Daniel Vizitiu skillfully colors the performance with the costumes assigned to each character. The cast involved in the action is well chosen to serve the demands of the text, which calls for musical, hip-hop moments from some of the characters. The musical illustration does not hinder the believable interpretation of each character. It's not jarring.

A great performance by Silviu Mircescu as Dinu. His interpretation of the hip-hop moments is impeccable, you can understand the words spoken and lived inside, as rarely happens with established performers of this musical genre. The actor also carefully creates each relationship with the partners, thus giving major meaning to the characterization of the character and emphasizing the thematic intentions in the text. In Iris, Dinu's concert partner, Teodora Calagiu stands out for her interpretation of the hip-hop sequences, but also for the definition of the attitudes adopted with meaning in the relationship with those around her. Experienced National actors such as Monica Davidescu and Andrei Duban credibly outline the special typological profile of Dinu's parents. Eduard Adam is cast as Dinu's agent, a drug user involved in conflicts with drug dealers. The actor stands out for his ability to pinpoint the character's desperate state of mind. A guard marked by life in an orphanage is correctly played by Marcelo S. Cobzariu. A fan of Dinu's concerts, Vera is charmingly drawn by Cristina Ionita. A priest who loves people and music is brought to life by Tomi Cristin, who lends nuance to the presentation of the character's inner sensitivity."

Ileana Lucaciu, Blog – Open doors for... Hip-Hop  

"It's your fault!" is a performance by the National Theatre Bucharest, written and directed by Tomi Cristin, who dares to stage, in this way, in full view of everyone, the everyday problems of society. Problems that we all know and are aware of, but which have become so ingrained in everyone's reality that most of us have decided that they are not worth remembering, we simply coexist with them and that's enough. It's a show for all generations, tackling those issues that are not part of some post-apocalyptic dystopia, but still speak their minds, sometimes more quietly, sometimes more loudly, on a daily basis.

Actor Silviu Mircescu, in the role of Doru, almost plays two different characters with fluidity and coherence, the brash hip-hop singer (whose reason is mastered by a crass misguidedness), who does and says what he wants without regard for anyone around him, and the wrongly accused convict who struggles to survive from day to day and whose past decisions have metamorphosed into regrets.

(...)The performance unfolds circularly, on two levels, without, however, lacking the necessary fluidity and symmetry, in a blend of intrigue, suspense, music of various genres (just to please everyone) and the well-placed antithesis between the comic and the tragic."

Vanessa Buga, Gen revista - "It's your fault!” – the illusion of normality  


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu

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