

Iuliana Moise

b. 24.05.1967, Bucureşti

In the current season the actor plays in:

Little Hell The Eichmann Trial The Journey

Parts at the NTB

  • Witness Arna Peretz - "The Eichmann Trial" by Motti Lerner, directed by Mihai Calin, 2024
  • "The Journey", a show by Dan Puric, 2023
  • Ms One, Ms Three, Witness B, Mother - "Machinal. The Musical" after "The Adding Machine" by Elmer Rice, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2022
  • Wife - "Little Hell" by Mircea Stefanescu, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu, from 2018
  • Delia Neacsu - "Luminita" by Radu F. Alexandru, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu, 2016
  • The Girl - "Pearls, thread yourselves" by Victor Eftimiu, directed by Dan Puric, 2015
  • Official`s wife - "The Inspector General" by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, directed by Felix Alexa, 2013  
  • Estelle - "No Exit" by Jean Paul Sartre, directed by Mircea Anca, 2007
  • Irina - "Sunset" by Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea, directed by Dan Pita, 2004
  • The girl- "New Year's Eve at Terzo-Mondo" by Ovidiu Moldovan, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 2003
  • Miţa - "Whims at the Union" after I.L. Caragiale, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2002
  • Licuţa - "The Sacrificial Generation" by I. Valjan, directed by Dinu Cernescu, 1999
  • Aghate - "Chops" by Bertrand Blier, directed by Gelu Colceag, 1998
  • Praxagora - "The Bacchae" after Euripide, directed by Mihai Maniutiu, 1997
  • Madelaine - "The Terrible Parents" by Jean Cocteau, directed by Andreea Vulpe,
  • The kid- "Roberto Zucco" by Bernard Marie Koltes, directed by Felix Alexa, 1995
  • Amelia - "The House of Bernarda Alba" by Federico Garcia Lorca, directed by Felix Alexa, 1994
  • Checca - "The Chioggia Scuffles" by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Dana Dima, 1993
  • Isabelle - "The Locomotive" by Andrè Roussin, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 1993
  • Julia - "The Rivals" by Richard Sheridan, directed by Horea Popescu, 1993
  • Aborigenul - "Who Needs Theatre" by Timberlake Wertenbaker, directed by Andrei Serban, 1991
  • Paraponistul and Năucescu - "The Patriots" after Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 1991
  • Irene - "The Dresser" by Ronald Harwood, directed by Ion Cojar, 1991
  • Ofelia - "Hamlet Machine" by Heiner Muller, directed by Bob Willson, 1991
  • Poluxena, Elena - "An Antique trilogy: The Troyes " after Euripide and Seneca, directed by Andrei Serban, 1990
  • Mucius' Wife - "Caligula" by Albert Camus, directed by Horea Popescu, 1990
  • Iuliana - "The Audition" after Michael Bennett, directed by Andrei Serban, 1990
  • Nina - "Strange Interlude" by Eugene O`Neill, directed by Mircea Anca
  • Ileana Cosânzeana - "Praslea and the golden apples" after Petre Ispirescu, directed by Mircea Anca
  • Maria - "Exit the King" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Dan Alecsandrescu
  • Iris David - "The Wooden Seashell" by Fanus Neagu, directed by Adriana Pitesteanu                                         


The Theatre Institute "Szentgyorgyi Istvan", Targu Mures, class of 1990.

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