

Luiza Enescu

b. 11.06.1985

Plays in current season :

Fathers and Sons The Just Assassins

Experience in theatre

“Fathers and sons”, dramatization by Brian Friel based on the novel by Turgenev, directed by Vlad Massaci, “I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre from Bucharest, 2022

“Who Am I? A human robot performance”, Concept H3 & Adrian Damian, screenplay and directed by Alexandru Berceanu, Ars Electronica, 2020

“Delirium” by Enda Walsh, directed by Vlad Massaci, Odeon Theatre, 2019

“Aias. Essay on dementia” after Sophocles, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, Craiova, 2018

“The Middle Class Gentleman” by Molière, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, Hungarian Theatre from Cluj

“Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carol, directed by Octavian Jighirgiu, Metropolitan Circus from Bucharest, 2018

“Athenian Nights” after Timon of Athens and “A Midsummer Night's Dream” by William Shakespeare, directed by Charles Chemin, “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre, Craiova, 2018

“Bekkanko” by Asaya Fujita, directed by Vlad Massaci, “Ion Creangă” Theatre, Bucharest, 2017

“Rambukku” by Jon Fosse, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, “Mihai Eminescu” National Theatre, Timișoara, 2017

(UNITER Award for Best Performance, 2018)

“Café Pirandello” after texts by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Mihai Măniuțiu, “Regina Maria” Theatre, Oradea, 2017



“Vlad”, seasons 2, 3, 4, 39 episodes, Pro TV, producer Delia Mihai, Alex Cseh, directed by: Jesus del Cerro, Anghel Damian, Millo Simulov, Peter Kerek, Cristian Buje, Alex Fotea, 2019 - 2020

“Mamaia”, Pro TV, producer Alma Sârbu, directed by Jesus del Cerro

“A family lottery”, Pro TV, producer Alma Sârbu, directed by Jesus del Cerro, 2012

“The bride has been kidnapped”, Pro TV, producer Alma Sârbu, directed by Jesus del Cerro, 2011


TV Shows

Master Chef, PRO TV, producer Monica Senchiu, 2014 - 2016

Divertis - Land of Jokes, Pro TV, producer Marius Maftei, directed by Radu Grigore, Alexandru Berceanu, 2009 - 2011 (4 seasons)


TV Commercials

Costume – (5 commercials), Calgon (2 commercials) – directed by Florin Dinu; Velpitar, directed by Letiția Roscovită (2014); Calgon, directed by Florin Dinu, (2013); Dove (5 commercials), directed by Florin Dinu; Lenor, directed by Alexandra Dinu (2012); Decor – ANOFM (4 commercials), directed by Cristi Puiu, Andreea Păduraru (2010); assistant set designer for Paul Săvulescu – Dedeman (6 commercials), Extran Condoms, Vodafone (3 commercials), directed by Andreea Păduraru (2008-2009); set designer –, directed by Gabi Achim (2008).


Other projects

Stylist and coordinator - Unseen Beauty photo exhibition, Odeon Studio Gallery, 2019

Set designer – Bucharest Jazz Concert, Romanian Cultural Institute, 2009

Workshop set designer The Bridge Project, directed by Richard Foreman, Sophie Havilland, National Theatre Festival, 2008



Master in Film Design, U.N.A.T.C. “I. L. Caragiale”, Bucharest, 2010

Faculty of Decorative Arts, Department of Set Design, University of Arts, Bucharest, 2004


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 

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