Managers of the National Theatre of Bucharest
1. Costache Caragiale, Ioan A.Wachmann:1852 – 1853, Costache Caragiale: 1853 - 1855
2. Matei Millo: 1855 - 1859, 1861 - 1866 și 1870 - 1871
3. C. A. Rosetti: 1859 - 1860
4. Theatre Committee Directorate: 1860 - 1861
5. Costache Dimitriade: 1866 - 1867
6. Matei Millo and Mihail Pascaly:1867 - 1868
7. Grigore Bengescu: 1868 - 1870
8. Mihail Pascaly: 1871 - 1874 and 1876 - 1877
9. Drama Society: 1874 - 1875
10. Al. Odobescu: 1875 - 1876
11. Ion Ghica: 1877 - 1881
12. Constantin Cornescu: 1881- 1882
13. Grigore C. Cantacuzino: 1882 - 1887 and 1889 - 1898
14. Constantin I. Stăncescu:1887 - 1888
15. Ion Luca Caragiale: 1888 – 1889
16. Grigore C. Cantacuzino and Petre Grădişteanu: 1898 - 1899
17. Scarlat Ghica: 1899 – 1901
18. Ştefan Sihleanu: 1901 - 1905
19. Alexandru Davila: 1905 – 1908
20. Pompiliu Eliade: 1908 – 1911
21. Ion Bacalbașa: 1911 – 1912
22. A. Davila, I.A. Brătescu - Voinești, George Diamandi: 1912 – 1914
23. George Diamandi: 1914 – 1915
24. Alexandru Mavrodi: 1915 - 1916, 1922 - 1923, 1931 - 1933
25. German occupation: 1917 - 1918
26. Constantin Rădulescu - Motru, I. Peretz:1918 - 1919
27. Ion Peretz, Victor Eftimiu: 1919 - 1920
28. Victor Eftimiu: 1920 - 1921
29. Victor Eftimiu, Al. Mavrodi: 1921 - 1922
30. Ion Valjan:1923 - 1924
31. Corneliu Moldovanu, Ion Minulescu: 1924 - 1925
32. Corneliu Moldovanu, Al. Hodos: 1925 - 1927
33. Corneliu Moldovanu: 1927 - 1928
34. Corneliu Moldovanu, Liviu Rebreanu: 1928 - 1929
35. Liviu Rebreanu, Victor Eftimiu: 1929 - 1930
36. Ion Grigore Perieţeanu, Al. Mavrodi: 1930 - 1931
37. Al. Mavrodi, Paul Prodan: 1933 - 1934
38. Paul Prodan: 1934 - 1937
39. Paul Prodan, Ion Marin Sadoveanu: 1937 - 1938
40. Ion Marin Sadoveanu, Camil Petrescu: 1938 - 1939
41. Camil Petrescu, Ion Marin Sadoveanu: 1939 - 1940
42. Ion Marin Sadoveanu, Haig Acterian, Liviu Rebreanu: 1940 - 1941
43. Liviu Rebreanu: 1941 - 1944
44. Victor Eftimiu, Nicolae Carandino, Tudor Vianu: 1944 –1945
45. Ion Pas:1945 - 1946
46. Ion Pas, Zaharia Stancu: 1946 - 1947
47. Zaharia Stancu: 1947 - 1952
48. Ioan Popa: 1952 - 1953
49. Vasile Moldoveanu: 1953-1956
50. Ion Marin Sadoveanu: 1956 - 1959
51. Zaharia Stancu: 1959 - 1969
52. Radu Beligan: 1969 - 1990
53. Andrei Şerban: 1990 - 1993
54. Fănuş Neagu: 1993 - 1996
55. Ion Cojar: 1996 - 2001
56. Dinu Săraru: 2001 - 2004
57. Ion Caramitru: 2005 - 2021
National Theatre Gazette, Anniversary Almanac of the National Theatre (2002) and the tome “Managers of the National Theatre of Bucharest” by Ionuț Niculescu
The chronology observes the Theatre seasons, which by definition start in autumn each year and continue until the summer of next year.
We have marked with Bold the names of managers, in the order of appearance in the list, only at the first occurrence (many repeat themselves over time, holding the manager position several times). Thus, at the final count, Ion Caramitru is the 46th NTB manager.