

Mihai Verbiţchi

b. 27.09.1957, Alexandria

Parts at TNB:     

  • Robert the Saw - "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2024
  • Prokofici, Timofeici - "Fathers and Sons" by Brian Friel, after the novel of Turgenev, directed by Vlad Massaci, 2022
  • Citizen - "A Lost Letter" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Horatiu Malaele, 2022
  • A client - "The Nouveau Criminals" by Edna Mazia, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2019
  • The Horse Owner - "The Man and His Old Crock" by George Ciprian, directed by Anca Bradu, 2011
  • The fiddler - „The special hospital" by Iosif Naghiu, directed by Ştefan Iordănescu, 2010  
  • Mister Loyal - „Tartuffe" by Molière, directed by Andrei Belgrader, 2009      
  • King David Bruce of Scotlandi - „Eduard III" by William Shakespeare, directed by Alexandru Tocilescu, 2008
  • Iuri Alexeevici - „The fourth sister" by Janusz Glowacki, directed by Alexandru Colpacci, 2006
  • Rustighello - „Lucrezia Borgia" by Victor Hugo, directed by Cristian Ioan, 2004

Activities outside the TNB                              

Parts in theatre                                       

The Ion Creangă Theater, Bucharest:1989 - 2004

  • „A journey towards the Sunset or the adventures of the magic monkey", directed by Radu Băieşu, 2007
  • „The white blackamoor" by Ion Creangă, directed by Cornel Todea
  • The author - „The little prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Miles Hendon - „The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 1999
  • Lancelot - „The Dragon", directed by Gelu Colceag, 1995
  • Bartholomew - „Improvisation at Alma or the Chameleon of the Shepard" by Eugene Ionesco, 1995
  • The dragon - „Sânziana and  Pepelea" by Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Mihai Manolescu
  • „The prank of the boyar Pathelin", directed by Cornel Todea
  • Antonio - „The storm" by William Shakespeare, directed by Cornel Todea,1995
  • The Prince - „Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by the Grimm Brothers, directed by Victor Ioan Frunză, 1993
  • Capitan Bombardon - „The challenged love" by Basilio Locatelli, directed by Sandu Mihai Gruia, 1994
  • Dick - „David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens, directed by Cornel Todea
  • Bufi - „The country of Gufi or the story of the dew drop" by Matei Vişniec, directed by Mihai Lungeanu, 1992
  • The rebel - „What a marvelous mess" by Eugene Ionescu, directed by Grigore Gonţa, 1990

The Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theater

  • Ferdinand - „Mamouret" by Jean Sarment, directed by Dinu Cernescu, 2006
  • Landolf - „Henric the IVth" by Luigi Pirandello, directed by Liviu Ciulei, 2005
  • Stolz Andrei Ivanaci - „Oblomov", directed by Alexandru Tocilescu, 2003

The drama theater G.A. Petculescu, Reşiţa:1984 - 1989

  • Flaminio - „The Cafe" by Carlo Goldoni, directed by Mihai Lungeanu, 1989
  • Mahoncov - „Adventurer" by Emil Braghinski, directed by Eugen Vancea, 1989
  • Starikov - „The marriage" de Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol, 1988
  • The Officer - „The dreams house" by Petru Vintilă, directed by Eugen Vancea, 1987
  • Alan Squire - „The stone wood" by Ronald Sherwood, directed by Emil Reus, 1987
  • „To be or not to be a relative" by Emil Braghinski, Eldar Reazanov, directed by Anca Florea, 1987
  • Puiu - „A boy loved a girl" by Mircea Ştefănescu, directed by Anca Florea, 1986
  • Moricet - „The gentlemen hunts" by Georges Feydeau, directed by Bogdan Ulmu, 1985
  • Vladimir - „Love for all seasons" by Samoil Aliosin, directed by Eugen Vancea, 1985
  • „The old fashioned comedy" by Aleksei Arbuzov, directed by Emil Reus, 1985
  • Andrei Pietraru - „Strong souls" by Camil Petrescu, 1983

The Odeon Theatre

  • The youngster - „The Incident" by Ezio d`Errico, directed by Mihail Stan, 1983

The Smallest Theatre

  • The compulsory extras - „The growl" by Paul Cornel Chitic, directed by Cristian Hadjiculea, 1981

Parts in movies

  • Le forgeron - „Jacquou le croquant", directed by Laurent Boutonnat, 2007
  • The Burlyman - „The return of the archibishop", a Romanian-Hungarian production, 2006
  • Dani`s Father - „The Prophecy: Uprising", directed by Joel Soisson, 2005
  • Buchler - „Straight Into Darkness",  directed by Jeff Burr, 2005
  • Boris - „Weekend millionaires", directed byCătălin Saizescu, 2004
  • Danko - „Search for the Jewel of Polaris: Mysterious Museum", serial Tv, directed by David Schmoeller, 1999
  • First Pursurer - „Retro Puppet Master", directed by David DeCoteau, 1999
  • Sirj - „Diplomatic Siege", directed by Gustavo Graef - Marino, 1999
  • Kimison #3 - „Dragonworld: The Legend Continues", serial TV, directed by Ted Nicolaou, 1999
  • Dungeon Master - „Teen Knight", directed by Phil Comeau, 1998
  • Elliot - „Serpent`s Lair", directed by Jeffrey Reiner, 1995


  • The Institute of Theater and Cinema Arts, the acting department, the class of 1984, the coordinating professors Olga Tudorache and Adriana Popovici.
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