

Raluca Alexandrescu

Plays in current season :

Carnival Stuff

Professional experience:

“I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre, Bucharest

Set - “Carnival Stuff” by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2021

Teatrelli, Bucharest

Set / costume concept - “Enmity”, text and direction Gabriel Sandu, 2020

Andrei Muresanu Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe

Set / costume concept - “Two Dead Alive” by Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2020

Elvira Godeanu Drama theatre, Târgu Jiu

Set / costume concept - “A Kind of Hansel and Gretel”, text and direction by Irina Slate, 2020

Constanța State theatre

Set / costume concept - “Tartuffe” by JBP Moliere, directed by Horia Suru, 2020

Studio M - Hungarian Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe

Set / costume concept - “Missed Calls”, directed by Sebastian Marina, 2019

Youth Theatre, Piatra Neamț

Scenographic concept - “Nameless Star” by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Alexandru Mâzgăreanu, 2019

Matei Vişniec Theatre, Suceava

Scenographic concept - "Underwater" by Carmen Ella Greenhill, directed by Sebastian Marina, 2018

National Opera, Bucharest

Scenography assistant - "Don Giovanni", scenography Octavian Neculai, directed by Andrei Serban, 2017

Matei Vişniec Theatre, Suceava

Costume concept - "The Vain Torment of Love”, directed by Alex Bogdan, 2017

National Opera, Bucharest

Set design assistant - “Lucia di Lammermoor”, set design by Octavian Neculai, 2016

Andrei MureșanuTheatre, Sfântu Gheorghe

Costume concept - “Romanian Diary”, directed by Carmen Lidia Vidu, 2016

Andrei MureșanuTheatre, Sfântu Gheorghe

Costume concept - "7 Floors", directed by Sebastian Marina, 2016

Phoenix Entertainment

Scenographer, costume concept - "Jurassic Park", Alexandria, Egypt, directed by Philippe Ryckelynck, 2016

Warner Brothers

Backstage manager - "Scooby Doo", Cairo, Egypt


Education and training:

National University of Theatre and Film, Bucharest, Department of Scenography, 2011 - 2016

Ion Mincu Faculty of Architecture, Bucharest, Department of Interior Design, 2007 - 2013


Translated by Simona Nichiteanu 

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