

Raluca Petra

b. 28.10.1970, Bucureşti

Parts at NTB:

Judith Brewer - "The Welkin" by Lucy Kirkwood, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2022

Zoe Trahanache - "A Lost Letter" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Horatiu Malaele, 2022

Filofteia - "The Door Mat" by Ion Baiesu, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu, 2019

Florica - "Allegro, ma non troppo" by Ion Minulescu, directed by Razvan Popa, from 2018

Empress Elisabeta - “The Silent Parrot - Nearly true histories of a nearly forgotten spy”, text and direction Nae Caranfil, 2018

Marga - "Loose knit" by Theresa Rebeck, coordinator Ion Caramitru, 2018

Hippolyta - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Petrica Ionescu, 2015

Zoe, The Mute - "The Letter" after A lost letter by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Horatiu Malaele

Fira - "The Man and His Old Crock" by George Ciprian, directed by Anca Bradu, 2011

The Midwife - "The Avalanche" by Tuncer Cücenoğlu, directed by Radu Afrim, 2010

The  Clouds' Chorus- "The Clouds'' after Aristofan, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009

Miss Homiceanu - „Molto, gran' impressione" by Romulus Vulpescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009

The Housekeeper - "Red Comedy" by Constantin Turturică, directed by Alexandru Tocilescu, 2006

The Actress - "Last Hour" by Mihail Sebastian, directed by Anca Ovanez Dorosenco, 2003

Doreen -"Waiting in the Wings" by Noël Coward, directed by Ion Cojar, 2002

Houbova - "Temptation" by Václav Havel, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 2002

Duniaşa - "The Living Corpse" by Lev Tolstoi, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2001

Phone Operator No 1, The Chaperone - "Machinal" by Sophie Treadwell, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 1999

The Ballerina - "Macbett" by Eugene Ionesco, directed by Beatrice Bleont, 1998

Josie - "Love in the Fish Market" by Israel Horovitz, directed by Ion Cojar, 1998


Activities outside NTB

Parts in theatre        

National Theatre Târgu Mureş

Zita - "A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu


"George Ciprian" Theatre, Buzău

Jaqueline - "Doctor Unwillingly" by J.B.P. Molière, directed by Emil Mandric


The Comedy Theatre

The Odalisque - "The Old and New Parvenues" by Nicolae Filimon. directed by Gelu Colceag


Parts in movies

"Sexy Harem - Ada Kaleh", directed by Mircea Muresan, 2001

"Too Late", directed by Lucian Pintilie, 1996

"The Sleep of the Island", directed by Mircea Veroiu, 1994

"Even Back Then, the Fox Was the Hunter", directed by Stere Gulea, 1993

"Red Rats", directed by Florin Codre, 1990



The Academy of Theatre and Film, the 1996 series of graduates, Professors Florin Zamfirescu, Doru Ana


Nominalizations and awards      

Award for the Duniaşa part -"The Cherry Orchard" by A.P.Cehov - Students' Theatre Festival, Sibiu, 1996

The debut award at the International Romania Dramaturgy Festival - Author "95", for the Zita part - "A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale

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