Rodica Ionescu
b. 01.05.1977, Bucureşti
In the current season the actor plays in:
Carnival Stuff Gallants of the Old Court Histrionics Rumors The Eichmann Trial The WelkinParts at NTB:
Witness Zivia Lubetkin - "The Eichmann Trial" by Motti Lerner, directed by Mihai Calin, 2024
- Tina - "Gallants of the Old Court", after Mateiu Caragiale, directed by Dragoș Galgoțiu, 2023
- Kitty Givens - "The Welkin" by Lucy Kirkwood, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2022
- Erna - "Histrionics" by Thomas Bernhard, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2022
- Waiter, Carnival Mask - „Carnival Stuff" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2021
- Rosaline - "Romeo and Juliet" after William Shakespeare, directed by Yuri Kordonsky, 2018
- Niculina - "The Blizzard" by Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea, directed by Alexandru Dabija, 2018
- "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" after the novel of Mark Haddon and adaptation by Simon Stephens, directed by Bobi Pricop, 2016
- Passenger, Third woman - "'Terrorism" by Presniakov Brothers, directed by Felix Alexa, 2015
- Cookie Cusack - "Rumors" by Neil Simon, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2013
- The Pregnant Woman - "The Avalanche" by Tuncer Cücenoğlu, directed by Radu Afrim, 2010
- "Ivan Turbincă" after Ion Creangă, directed by Ion Sapdaru, 2009
- Zinca, the Woman with the Child - "The Self Murderer" by Nikolai Erdman, directed by Felix Alexa, 2009
- Lenaca - „Molto, gran' impressione" by Romulus Vulpescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009
- Elena Boruga - „Dance of the Fairies" by Camil Petrescu, directed by Claudiu Goga, 2007
- Lucile/Lucia - "The Middle-class Gentleman" after Molière, directed by Petrica Ionescu, 2006
- Tania - "The Fourth Sister" by Janusz Glowacki, directed by Alexandru Colpacci, 2006
- Chris - "Dancing at Lughnasa" by Brian Friel, directed by Lynne Parker, 2006
- Daria - "The Idea" by Leonid Andreev, directed by Felix Alexa, 2005
- The Lion - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Felix Alexa, 2003
- Spiridon - "A Stormy Night" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by Felix Alexa, 2002 - the debut
Activities outside NTB
Parts in theatre
"Ion Creangă" Theatre, Bucharest:
- Tanka - "Home" by Liudmila Razumovskaia, directed by Radu Apostol
The Comedy Theatre, Bucharest
- The Chorus, a collective character - "Anna Karenina" by Lev Tolstoi, directed by Alexandru Vasilache
- Cory Pointer - „Private Eyes", directed by Gabriela Dumitru
Parts in movies
- The Sound Technician - "Dream Woman", directed by Dan Piţa, 2005
- Medical Nurse - "The Death of Mr. Lazarescu", directed by Cristi Puiu, 2005
- Katy - "Be Blessed, Prison", directed by Nicolae Mărgineanu, 2001
- The Rainmaker - "The Miracle", directed by Tudor Mărăscu, 1989
Radio theatre
- The Servant - "Francesca da Rimini" by Gabriele d`Anunzio, directed by Cristian Munteanu
- Jusemina - "The Ravings of the Great Macabre" by Michel de Ghelderode, directed by Ilinca Stihi
- "I.L.Caragiale" National Festival of Theatre, Bucharest, 2001
- StudentFest, Timişoara
- Open Gates Week, UNATC
- "Skomrahi" International Theatre Festival - Skopje (Macedonia)
- The University for Theatre and Film Arts in Bucharest, Acting Department, the 2002 series of graduates, class of the University Professor Dem Rădulescu
- Graduation part: The Son: "Kill your Neighbor" by Slawomir Mrozek, Cassandra Theatre Studio
- "Ion Sava" Centre for Theatre Art Research and Creation, National Theatre Bucharest - creation workshop: "Does power legitimate?" promoted by the director and teacher Radu Penciulescu, 02 /23- 03/03./2007