

Șteff Chelaru

Plays in current season :

Fathers and Sons

After graduating in Fashion at the Faculty of Decorative Art and Design, UNARTE from Bucharest, both bachelor's and master's degrees, I chose a slightly different path than the one I had taken for 5 years - that of scenographer. I am currently in the 3rd year of studies at the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theater and Cinematography from Bucharest, scenography department.

I chose to be a scenographer... this has become a lifestyle for me.


Professional experience

Scenography assistant – “Fathers and Sons” by Brian Friel, Bucharest National Theater, 2022

Scenography - “In the daytime”, Metropolis Theatre, 2022

Scenography - “Lessons about love and the brain”, Metropolis Theatre, 2021

Assistant - “Norma”, directed by Alice Barb, set design by Adrian Damian, Bucharest National Opera, 2021

Assistant - “Network of Emotions” coordinated by Adrian Damian, Romanian Design Week, 2021

Bachelor's degree project 2020 – Capsule collection within the project “The Future of Fashion”, 2020

“fashionFANatic” Grand Prize - FanCourier, 2017

“Performing Arts and Visual Arts” Grand Prize, with the project “Tradition”, EU Project, 2017

Diploma exhibition, 2017

Fashion show, UNAB Gala, 2017

BeCreative Sibiu, 2017

Scholar at the Princess Margaret of Romania Foundation (TT2016)

TT2016 Exhibition (FPMR) – Romanian Athenaeum

TT2016 Exhibition (FPMR) – Elite ArtGallery

TT2016 Exhibition (FPMR) – “I.L. Caragiale" National Theater, Bucharest

TT2016 Exhibition (FPMR) – BRD

Member of the exhibition Romanian Design Week – 2016

Diploma exhibition 2016

Capsule diploma exhibition – UnitCreditBank

Best DesignerYoung – Andreea Bădală

Launch of the “Oxymoron” Collection at “Molecule F”, Promenada Mall, 2016

Costume presentation – MNAC – “Tradition”, 2016

Group exhibition at the “I.L. Caragiale” National Theater from Bucharest, capsule collection “Return to the roots”, 2016

Fashion show, UNAB Gala, 2015

“Calea Victoriei” Foundation – Fashion Style, 2016

Volunteer at the Generation Center within FPMR, 2016

Set design and costume design for the high school theater band, Drama Club Botoșani, “Harap-Alb”, “Film and Culinary Art Tasters Lounge” International Festival

BeCreative Sibiu, 2015

Group exhibition Galateca, “Emprint”, 2015

“Liza Panait”, Sketch exhibitions, fashion event Bucharest, 2014

Collaboration with Masca Theatre, 2014

Collaboration with Florin Dobre, 2014

Featured in Vogue Italy magazine, 2014

Fashion show “British Council”, 2013

Member of the “Drama Club” and “Bataille des Jeux” theater bands, Botoșani, 2009-2012

County Olympics in Clothing Design, 2011



Bachelor's degree studies at the “I.L. Caragiale” National University of Theater and Cinematography, Scenography Department, 2019 – to date

Bachelor's degree at the National University of Arts, Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design, Fashion Department, 2015 - 2017

Bachelor's degree at the National University of Arts, Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design, Fashion Department, 2012 – 2015

Workshop “Opera In Your Pocket” coordinated by Robert Lehmeier and Adrian Damian, Goethe Institute, 2021

Scholar at the Princess Margaret of Romania Foundation, TT2017


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu

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