

Tomi Cristin

b. 28.08.1965, Braşov

Parts at NTB:

Pastor - "It's your fault!" by Tomi Cristin, directed by Tomi Cristin, 2024

Mr. Wormington - "The Magistrate" by Arthur Wing Pinero, directed by Dan Tudor, 2023

"The Journey", a show by Dan Puric, 2023

The Boss - "Machinal. The Musical" after "The Adding Machine" by Elmer Rice, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2022

Bazarov, the father - "Fathers and Sons" by Brian Friel, after the novel of Turgenev, directed by Vlad Massaci, 2022

Gigel - "The Door Mat" by Ion Baiesu, directed by Mircea Cornisteanu, 2019

Wolff - “The Silent Parrot - Nearly true histories of a nearly forgotten spy”, text and direction Nae Caranfil, 2018

Bob - "Loose knit" by Theresa Rebeck, coordinator Ion Caramitru, 2018

Major Metcalf - ’The Mousetrap’’ by Agatha Christie, directed by Erwin Simsensohn, 2018

Egeu - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Petrica Ionescu, 2015

The priest - "Coming Clean" by Petr Zelenka, directed by Alexandru Mazgareanu, 2011

Leblanc - "The Dinner Game" by Francis Veber, directed by Ion Caramitru, 2010

The Doctor - „The Navel" by Jean Anouilh, directed by Radu Beligan, from 2010

Costache Caragiali - „Molto, gran' impressione" by Romulus Vulpescu, directed by Dan Tudor, 2009

Pacient No 1 (Piotr), Kukin -  "The History of Communism Told to the Mentally Ills" by Matei Visniec, directed by Florin Fatulescu, 2007

Tândală - "Sanziana and Pepelea" after Vasile Alecsandri, directed by Dan Tudor, 2006

Bud - "Sweet Bird of Youth" by Tennessee Williams, directed by Tudor Marascu, 2005

Doctor Ieronimo - "The Sunset of The Sun" by Barbu Stefanescu Delavrancea, diected by Dan Pita, 2004

Philostrat - "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare, directed by Felix Alexa, 2003

The Son - "New Year's Eve at Terzo Mondo" by Ovidiu Moldovan, directed by Mihai Manolescu, 2003

Usurelu - "Murder over A Piece of Land" after Dinu Sararu, directed by Grigore Gonta, 2002

Mitică - "Whims at the Union", adapted from I.L. Caragiale, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2002

Ivan Petrovicz - "The Living Corpse" by Lev Tolstoi, directed by Gelu Colceag, 2001

The Stage Director - "Audition for Medeea", text and stage direction by Olga Delia Mateescu, 2001

Mr. Jones - "Machinal" by Sophie Treadwell, directed by Alexander Hausvater, 2000

Biff, the Son - "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, directed by Horea Popescu, 1999 - 2000

Nakalaki - "The Wraith" by Fanus Neagu, regia Dan Micu, 1998

Paul - "Nothing about Hamlet" by Radu F. Alexandru, directed by Tudor Marascu, 1998

James Joyce - "Travesties" by Tom Stoppard, directed by Radu Baiesu, 1996

Gyorg - "The Park"" by Boto Strauss,directed by Tudor Tepeneag, 1995

Rovni - "Mortal Jump" by Azis Nesin, directed by Gavril Pinte, 1994 


Activities outside NTB            

Parts in theatre

"Ion Creanga" Theatre, Bucharest: 1990 - 1993

"Mihai Eminescu" Theatre, Botosani: 1988 - 1990


Parts in movies

"Modigliani", directed by Mick Davis, 2003

"Callas Forever" by Franco Zeffirelli, 2002

Costache - "Novembre, the Last Ball", directed by Dan Pita, 1989


Pedagogical activity

Professor Grigore Gonta's  Assistant within the Acting Department of UNATC

Associate Professor within the Scenic Movement Departments of the "Hyperion" and "Luceafarul" Universities



National Theatre Institute in Targu Mures, class of Professors Calin Florian and Cornel Popescu 


Nominalizations and awards

Modern and contemporary dance awards

The country's first prize at the Art and Student Creation Festival

The third prize at the Young Actor's Gala, Costinesti

The first prize at the Young Actor's Gala, Costinesti

The second reciting prize at the "Lucian Blaga"" Festival

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