Bucharest Graphic Days Festival at NTB

Intrare liberă / Free entrance
Bucharest Graphic Days is a multi-faceted event dedicated to graphic design and related fields. The educational component and the involvement of leading national and international artists define the purpose of the festival - to raise the existing level of visual aesthetics, to increase the degree of interaction between members of the graphic design guild and to emphasize to the general public the usefulness, importance and beauty of the graphic design phenomenon.
Now in its third edition, the festival is structured in three content categories, exhibitions, workshops and debates. The first of them including an international poster call - Roar Poster whose theme this year will be Power.
Organized by Graphic Front Association & Graphics Workshop - Bucharest, the event is conceived and built on the collaboration with some of the cultural institutes in Romania, other artists and cultural organizations.
The exhibition will take place between October 19 and December 15, 2024 and the central exhibition will be in the Rotonda Hall of the "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre in Bucharest
Official opening: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 18.00, "I.L. Caragiale" National Theater "I.L. Caragiale" Bucharest, Rotonda Hall (access from Carol Boulevard)
Program here
Exhibitions here
Hocus-Pocus, Agata Kulczyk & Marcin Markowski - Poster exhibition
Orosz István - Poster exhibition
Perahim, Taru & their contemporaries - Picture book exhibition
Roar Power Poster – Poster international call – selection of 100 posters
The best books from Germany, Switzerland and Austria
100 Beste Plakate - Top 100 posters from Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Exhibitions in other venues:
Oana Ispir - Picture book exhibition
20.10– 10.11 > Seneca Anticafe, Bucharest
Doriana Marasoiu + Ilona Polanski - Illustrations exhibition (20.10– 10.11, Architects Order, 19, Arthur Verona St.)
Orosz István - Drawings – Anamorfoze (20.10 – 10.11 > Liszt Institute, Bucharest)
Talks here
Debate topic: Ethics in advertising - power and influence in teenvertising
Guests: George Bonea, Dan Stanescu, Maria Zvinca
Moderator: Monica Jitariuc
October 21, 2024, 6 PM
Rotonda Hall, National Theater Bucharest
Debate topic: Graphics everywhere - a debate on the omnipresence of the graphic phenomenon
Guests: Eliza Yokina, Tudor Juravlea, (more TBA)
Moderator: Ciprian N. Isac
October 29, 2024
Rotonda Hall, National Theater Bucharest
Debate topic: Power in its many forms
Guests: Caterina Preda, Cosmin Ciotlos, Raluca Bradea, Victor Morozov, Alexandra Mihaela Dancs (more TBA)
Moderator: Ciprian N. Isac
November 4, 2024
Rotonda Hall, National Theater Bucharest
Workshop, applications here
Oana Ispir – Linocut Workshop
October 26 - 27, Seneca Anticafe, Bucharest
Tuan Nini - No more Talking Heads
Comics Workshop
November 1, 2, 3, Architects Order, Bucharest
Aleksandra Kot și Marcin Władyka - Design and printing workshop
October 25, 26, 27, Architects Order, Bucharest
Alexe Popescu - Origamix – Origami Workshop
October 26, 27, NTB, Bucharest
Graphic Front Association
Graphics Workshop, Bucharest
The main event partners:
AFCN, National Theater Bucharest, Polish Institute Bucharest, Goethe-Institut Bucharest, Czech Center, Embassy of Switzerland in Romania, Austrian Cultural Forum, Liszt Institute, Order of Architects Bucharest, Seneca Anticafe
Supporters: AFCN, Antalis Romania, Embassy of Switzerland in Romania, Aqua Carpatica, Armenian Cultural Center
Promotion partners: Zeppelin Magazine, Radio Romania Cultural, IQ Ads
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grant beneficiary.
Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu