
Current Repertory

Prophet Ilya

by Tadeusz Słobodzianek

Translation: Luiza Săvescu și Passionaria Stoicescu

Prophet Ilya

by Tadeusz Słobodzianek

Translation: Luiza Săvescu și Passionaria Stoicescu
Botond Nagy
Irina Moscu
Diana Nechit
Original Music:
Claudiu Urse
Sound design:
Claudiu Urse
Lighting design:
Cristian Niculescu
Video design:
Cristian Niculescu
Musical training:
Cătălin Petrescu
Assistant Director:
Patricia Katona
Assistant Scenography:
Mădălina Sandu
Lighting design assistant:
Daniel Tiuntiuc
Sound Design Assistent:
Octavian Vasile
Delgated producer:
Nikita Dembinski
Technical Director:
Silviu Negulete, Tudor Dobrescu
Petronela Purima

Premiere: 16.02.2025

Pause: Yes

14 Feb 2025 19:00
15 Feb 2025 19:00
16 Feb 2025 19:00
20 Mar 2025 19:00
22 Mar 2025 12:00

80 lei

60 lei 

30 lei

Not recommended for people under 18: emotionally disturbing scenes, licentious language, scenes with sexual connotations.

Inspired by the true story of the preacher Eliasz Klimowicz in the 1930s and 1940s, because it "mirrors like a crystal ball all the utopias of the 20th century: Christianity, nationalism, socialism..." Polish playwright Tadeusz Słobodzianek recreates the apocalypse of humanity in "The Prophet Elijah". The inhabitants of a village on the Belarusian border live in the belief that the pastor of their community, who foretells the end of the world, is Christ, and they intend to crucify him in order to find salvation. The text, written in 1991, has stirred much controversy, with the author criticized for discrediting Orthodox Christian values and for harsh and inappropriate language. In fact, Słobodzianek speaks of a world "turned upside down", primitive in its beliefs and values, drawing attention to the dangers of religious fanaticism and extremist ideologies. In his medieval mystery drama, in which religions, languages and nations mix, the sacred sublime is converted into grotesque comedy, faith into superstition, the divine into the human, and the miracle of Passion Week is delayed.

At a time of deep spiritual and moral crisis facing contemporary societies, Botond Nagy invites, with his second staging on the TNB stage - "The Prophet Elijah", to a deep and sincere meditation on faith and religion. If the God of Słobodzianek's drama died with Nietzsche's statement, nevertheless, He exists in the love and humanity in which the young director continues to believe.

Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 

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The Studio Hall 19:00 Sold Out
The Studio Hall 19:00 Buy tickets
The Studio Hall 19:00 Sold Out
The Studio Hall 19:00 Buy tickets
The Studio Hall 12:00 Buy tickets
Ilya, prophet from the countryside: Richard Bovnoczki Olga, sinner, afterwards sainted: Aylin Cadîr
Wiera, saint, afterwards sinner: Florentina Ţilea The Drunk: Silviu Mircescu
Rotschild, merchant from Bialystock: Emilian Mârnea Bumblebee, afterwards a scarecrow: Răzvan Oprea
Pałaszka, afterwards the wife of Pilate: Ofelia Popii Marczuk, afterwards Roman soldier: Florin Călbăjos
Hariton, afterwards Judas: Lari Giorgescu Aćko, afterwards Pilate: Leonard Chionac
The young woman, afterwards Saint Veronica: Oana Laura Gabriela
Teo Dincă
The blind man, her father: Vitalie Bichir
The Catholic, afterwards Herod: Mihai Calotă
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