
Current Repertory

A few people away from you NTF

by Dan Coman

A few people away from you NTF

by Dan Coman

Radu Afrim
Sound universe:
Radu Afrim
Sabina și Bianca Veșteman
Flavia Giurgiu
Lights concept:
George Jipa
Sound operator:
Sorin Brehuescu, Liviu Stoica, Bogdan Golumbeanu
Organ operator lights:
Laurențiu Iordache, Daniel Feieș, Daniel Mateescu
Scene mechanisms:
Aurelian Ungurianu
Technical Director:
Adrian Ionescu
Delgated producer:
Mădălina Ciupitu
Andreea Manciu

Premiere: 27.01.2024

Duration: 3 h / Pause: 15 min


80 lei

60 lei

30 lei

Performance presented within the 2024 National Theatre Festival


The performance is a joint production of NTB - "George Coșbuc" Cultural Centre Bistrița


Show not recommended for minors aged under 15

A performance about the closeness between people.

About the distances between us that grow and diminish with each choice, each dream, each new encounter.

A performance about the ever-changing relationship between parents and children.

A performance that examines one of the most painful realities of our times: migration.

A performance about going abroad to work and the imbalances that this can cause.

About truth and lies, loneliness and love. And how all of this is just a few people away from you.

Featuring an exceptional cast: Marius Manole, Mirela Oprisor, Marius Bodochi, Natalia Calin, Stefan Iancu and Flavia Giurgiu, the production underlines that, in the end, both the most intense happiness and the most atrocious loneliness are only a few people away from you.


Story 2 - Marius Manole: costume of the character Frau Klara: Irina Moscu


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu

"Hard to bear tension offset by waves of madcap humor, humanity and poetry in a setting with hints of Edward Hopper. Author, director and actors - all extraordinary."

Mircea Cărtărescu

"I've been choosing Afrim's world for so many years. And I believe in it. In perfect performances and just as much in imperfect ones. In the warped humanity that haunts him. That he seeks. Always. Without even trying. In words, in forms, in images, in sounds and sonorities, in poems and visceralities, in so many fragilities, in what he discovers and elevates in actors, in darkness and light, just a few meters away from me."

Marina Constantinescu, România literară - On the border between me and the other  

"A few people away from you" is a real, living performance, a co-production between NTB and the "George Cosbuc" Cultural Centre of Bistrița, born out of the desire - a restorative cultural act - to offer Bistrita a theatre, as a reverence of Radu and Dan towards the lands they come from, and out of the need to fix in the history of our drift the great family traumas of the small provincial habitats.

"A few people away from you", the perspective on Romanian life from Bistrita, has finally arrived in the capital and is here to stay. Oh, how I loved it!"

Horia Ghibuțiu, Blog – The little wonders a few people away from you  

"Nothing sadder than reality, tamed just enough to make us feel good, keep us from the ugly and guard us from dreams. We should be more vigilant, not to let it into our lives anyway, to let ourselves anchor at least from time to time in the dreams of those willing to stay by our side until the end of truth, where all seasons will one day end."

Luciana Antofi, Blog - Ode to our families: A few people away from Radu Afrim

"In A Few People Away from You there are whole worlds worth discovering, seeing and hearing, tensions between parents and children that we can all identify with, longings that we can all relate to. It is a profound, original, moving, brilliantly crafted and relevant performance for today."

Alexandra Ares, Rinocerul Magazine - What happens just a few people away from you?  


Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 

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