

The musical "Here We Are!" - starting January 2025, at NTB

18 January 2025
A warmer and safer ride home from the theater! 22 January 2025
Exclusive taxi service for NTB spectators The "I.L. Caragiale" National Theater in Bucharest and Meridian Taxi are delighted to welcome the spectators with an initiative aimed to bring a touch of comfort and safety to winter evenings. From January 22, 2025, right after the end of the performance of "The Hanged Man's Forest" (around 10.40 pm), a specially arranged station in the theater's parking lot will offer culture lovers an easy way to continue their evening in peace, without worrying about the cold or the dark. This partnership is dedicated to all those who believe that the magic of performance should not stop when the curtain comes down. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of spectators who attend NTB performances and who often face mobility problems due to traffic jams, both at peak hours (coinciding with the starting times of NTB performances) and at late hours when some performances end, the taxi company Meridian TAXI has recently signed a partnership protocol with the NTB under which it offers an exclusive service with premium advantages of access to taxi on-demand services to NTB spectators, both when they leave the NTB and when they arrive for performances or other events at the NTB: fast order pick-up, immediate access to the pick-up location (located within the perimeter of the NTB parking lot), payment of the ride with POS, synchronization of the flow of available cars with the number of spectators, payment by card in the mobile app, ordering via Whatsapp and Instagram, etc. Thus, based on a QR code displayed in the NTB foyers, spectators will be able to initiate by phone the order of a taxi from the Meridian fleet, immediately receiving the necessary details for the trip, and will be directed to the customer arrival/ pick-up points located visibly in the NTB's outdoor parking lot. Meridian will automatically take NTB customers' orders, directing taxis with priority to this area specially set up by NTB in its own parking lot, hereinafter referred to as the "customer pick-up/arrival point" Upon arrival of the taxis, customers will be validated by the drivers on the basis of the messages received by phone and transported to the desired destinations. Spectators who will use the services of the Meridian taxi fleet to come to the performances and events taking place at the NTB will also benefit from various advantages: payment of the fare by mobile POS, compliance with the mandatory premium equipment conditions of the taxis that will serve this destination. Meridian will offer discounts or bonuses to NTB spectators: for every 4 rides to the National Theater, Meridian will offer a 40 lei voucher (Conditions of use: rides must be ordered from the Meridian application; a user can receive a maximum of 2 vouchers in a calendar month). Taxi to the theater! - here is a slogan about to become reality...   Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 
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"Out at Sea" by Sławomir Mrożek, directed by Felix Alexa, the first premiere of 2025 at the NTB 17 January 2025
The new year begins at “I.L. Caragiale” National Theatre with a premiere directed by Felix Alexa: Out at Sea by Slawomir Mrożek, on the stage of the Pictura Hall. With an outstanding cast and an atmosphere of extraordinary plasticity created by set designers Stefan Caragiu and Liliana Cenean, director Felix Alexa reimagines Slawomir Mrożek's black comedy from the 1960s for today's audiences. Perhaps the best one-act play by one of the most important playwrights of the 20th century, Out at Sea is a political parable and at the same time an absurdist comedy with a disturbing message behind the humor. Although written in the midst of Soviet censorship, the play is disturbingly topical and seems straight out of today's headlines.4 The play follows the fate of three starving shipwrecked people trying to find a "democratic" way to decide which of them will be eaten by the other two. The arguments become more and more demagogic, the bullying and cajoling more and more intense, until the interventions of a passing postman and an old servant push the action to a frightening climax. "Out at Sea" condemns, through the cynicism, absurdity and satire so characteristic of Mrożek's writing, the Machiavellian brutality of political power at all times. "What could be more topical today than "man being eaten by man", as a character in Mrożek's play puts it? I would say that today we are revolving around the nuances of this cannibalistic action, in all its senses. A brilliantly clever text, "Out at Sea" now becomes much more exciting, dangerous and acute than when it was written.  For me, this performance is a wake-up call to the moral degradation of society. Beneath the play's subtle, dark and piercing humor lie the painful truths of our daily lives.   And yet, how far can human beings go with their lack of scruples when "hunger" becomes the main element? Far enough for 'Out at Sea', this gem of absurdist theater, to become cruelly realistic." Felix Alexa The first performances will take place on January 17, 18 and 19, 2025, at 19.00, and the official premiere on January 24, at 7 pm.   Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 
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NTB organizes a playwriting workshop 27 September 2024
The "I.L. Caragiale" National Theatre organizes, from November 4, 2024 to April 28, 2025, a Playwriting Workshop coordinated by Mimi Branescu. The workshop is open to anyone interested. Registrations should be sent to by October 20, 2024. The application must contain: - a brief CV - contact details - a text of your own creation, maximum 3 pages, with a scene for 2-3 characters or a monologue The Workshop will take place once a week. A maximum of 10 participants will be selected and will be notified by e-mail. Participation in the Workshop is free of charge!   Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu
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Andrei Serban at NTB 19 September 2024
Andrei Serban returns after 32 years to the "I.L. Caragiale" National Theater and begins rehearsals on Friday, September 20, 2024, for the play Mary Stuart by Robert Icke, after Friedrich Schiller (translated by Irina Velcescu), with a cast in which we find well-known actors of the TNB, but also some names of guest actors: Raluca Aprodu, Nicoleta Lefter, Ofelia Popii, Florin Aioane, Claudiu Bleont, Marius Bodochi, Mihai Calin, Mihai Calota, Florin Calbajos, Tudor Cucu Dumitrescu, Conrad Mericoffer, Stefan Mihai, Ciprian Nicula, Emilian Oprea. Director: Andrei Serban; Associate director: Dana Dima; Set design: Helmut Stürmer; Costumes: Corina Gramosteanu; Music: Alexei Turcan; Video: Andrei Cozlac; Lighting design: Cristi Niculescu. We'll be back soon with news about the next repertory projects of this season! Translated by Andreea Codrea-Boeriu 
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